Friday, October 17, 2014

Interim Boosters meeting October 17, 2014

Board members Present: President Kimberley Wormley, Treasurer Brian Olson, Secretary Laura Cooper, Board Member at Large Terri Marshall. 

Others Present: 4th Grade Class Rep CeRae Speidel, 5th Grade Class Rep Mike Berger, International Day Co-Chairs Nara Clark and Pia Laurie.

Kimberley called this meeting to discuss some interim Booster items. First was a short discussion of the board composition. Laura Cooper, current board member and secretary, has volunteered to step down as a voting board member but will continue to serve as secretary. This change will be put forward and voted on at the next meeting. Laura will communicate with principal McMillen to make sure he can be there at the next board meeting, as the other board composition issue is that he must put forward a staff person to serve as a board member, and this person must be duly elected as soon as can be to ensure compliance with our bylaws.

Next item was discussion of when International Day Chairs will meet and get information out to interested parents and the school community as a whole.  The Int’l Day chairs are planning to meet in late January and will put out information at that time about the event and how parents can become involved. 

Next was discussion of Electives.  Since these come up in January, the proximity necessitates information to the Teach community coming out very soon. Terrie Marshall and Mike Berger stepped forward to help Kurt Rightmeyer get information out. It has been proposed that there be a meeting on October 24th to sketch out a plan to raise up a team of parent volunteers for electives.

There is continued interest in getting the Infosnap volunteer data so that other chairs/reps/board members may know which parents have already indicated their volunteer interests. Nara indicated that the Infosnap data had already been transferred to Christine Kimball. Kimberley will follow up with Christine. 

Mike Berger moved that the Boosters add a Teach Boosters budget line item of $300 for International Day. Brian Olson seconded the motion which carried with all board members present (4 board members) in favor, none opposed or abstaining.  Mike Berger moved that the Boosters add a budget line item of $500 for Electives. Kimberley seconded the motion which passed with all board members present (4 board members) in favor, none opposed or abstaining. 

There was discussion of recess equipment, but this topic was tabled until Principal McMillen can be present to help guide options in terms of safety concerns, etc.

There was discussion of how all the classes were doing in terms of pledge forms. Laura will contact Wendy Sylvester, 5th grade room rep, to see if Wendy can email parents in a way similar to CeRae’s contact with 4th grade parents, to raise awareness of need for those forms being returned so that the Boosters know what all families’ needs are in terms of assistance or ability to donate funds.  Kimberley will follow up individually with families who will follow up individually with families who have neither turned in a pledge form nor submitted a pledged donation.  Brian will send the latest numbers on monies collected, pledge forms received by class to all board members and reps/chairs so that they have this information when talking with parents. 

There was a question about what teachers wanted in terms of class parties for the year; CeRae will check and see what teachers have decided about parties for the year as teachers were going to select dates for class parties.  She will bring this information to the November meeting. 

CeRae reported that she has been organizing GoogleDocs and making new folders organized by year so that the most recent info can be more easily located.  She asked for feedback from people in terms of if this was making it easier to find items to assist in the process. The immediate reaction was one of gratitude for CeRae having taken on such a worthy and onerous task. 

Kimberley has been cleaning out the Boosters storage area, and found a cache of outdated electronic equipment.  She will put an announcement out to the Teach Community to see if anyone has a claim to any of it; what is not collected by the end of December will be donated or otherwise disposed of.  She also has found boxes full of outdated financial records, which will be shredded if the records are older than 7 years.  Wendy Sylvester has offered the shredding services of DocuTeam for this. Kimberley will bring boxes to the Nov. Boosters Board meeting so that people can assist with pre-shredding prep after the meeting wraps up. 

There being no further business, Laura Cooper moved that the meeting be adjourned; Mike Berger seconded the motion with all present in favor, none opposed or abstaining.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Cooper, Boosters Club secretary

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