Tuesday, December 13, 2011
December 2011 Teach Boosters Meeting Minutes
In attendance: Taffy, Chantal, Summer, Karen P., Riana, Nara, Morgan, Kurt, Paige, Altee and Sunshine
Meeting began at 8:30.
Yosemite trip is looking for chaperones. DIscussion on adding winter gear to blog for kids to swell/swap. Sunshine to research possibility for people to be able to add their own classifieds on blog.
Discussion on Boosters subsidizing yearbooks so that they are available to all. Not in this year's budget, but suggestion for tabling it for future.
Principals report - Mr. Block said the toy drive is happening and that the toys will stay local. Student council will wrap the gifts. Bring unwrapped new toys to school. The mice battle continues at the portables. Poison will be used over the winter vacation since students will not be present then.
Sunshine brought up that we still need a 6th grade rep. If anyone has any suggestions, please contact her.
Discussion on the fact that last year's 6th grade donated money towards a sundial for the outdoor classroom. The money still hasn't been officially given to the builders. This item is tabled pending discussion with builders and student council parent advisor, but will remain on agenda under old business until resolved.
Altee reported that all accounts have been moved from Santa Barbara bank to Coast Hills except for one CD and the student council checking account. The CD will move in April when it matures. Altee also reported that on October 8 our insurance will need to be renewed again.
Discussion began on using regular mail vs. email for student trip bills. Decision made to continue using regular mail.
Chantal Blanchard offered to cochair marchathon with Summer.
Discussion regarding budget began and it was agreed that Boosters should continue doing Appleby's breakfast again this year as it was so successful. It was suggested that we should contact Travis Jones, a TEACH parent regarding this. Boosters is overbudget by approximately $12,000.
Motion moved by Chantal and seconded by Altee to spend up to $400 on CAP for Big Brothers/Big Sisters event. Motion passed with vote of 3-2.
10:10am meeting adjourned.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
eScrip deals for the holidays that help our school!
Get ready for the holidays with these great offers! Shop Now at the eScrip Online Mall, where more than 1,000 stores support Charles E Teach Elementary Booster Club! |
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Children's Charitable Projects for the Holidays
This drive is unique in that you can give a specific gift to a specific child right from their wish list.
The students of Teach and Bishop's Peak schools want all of us to think of the homeless children around us during the holidays. When you are purchasing gifts for the children in your life, please consider also getting a gift for a homeless child. Donations of new, unwrapped toys will be collected in the library after the Thanksgiving break. You may choose to either give a specific gift to be matched to a child from their wish list or give any gift that you think a child might like. If you choose to give a gift to a specific child, ideas from the children's wish lists will be available at the collection box. Simply take the tag with the gift idea and attach the tag to the item when you leave it in the collection box. All the donations for gifts remain local and go directly to children in need within our community. The gifts will be distributed during the holidays to the children served by the Prado and Maxine Lewis shelters and to the children identified as being in need within San Luis Coastal Unified School District.
The Bishop's Peak Student Council is doing a food drive for their Community Service Project. They have two barrels at school, one in the library and one outside the office. The last day of the drive will be December 16. Most needed items: canned fruits and vegetables, canned meat & tuna, canned soups, canned beans, peanut butter, spaghetti, dry cereal and rice. Thank you for your kindness!
Students are collecting donations for Pacific Wildlife Care in Morro Bay. If you would like to help, please put your donations in the dropbox in the library. You could save an animal's life today! Items needed are on the wish list on the donation box and at pacificwildlifecare.org. Some suggestions are: unsalted peanuts, old newspapers, soft, fluffy or fuzzy blankets and towels, Gerber baby food in these flavors: chicken with chicken gravy or mixed vegetables. Thank you for your kind support!
It's so nice to see our generous children take action in their community to better the lives of the less fortunate. Please support them in their endeavors.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Teach Boosters Meeting Minutes November 4, 2011
Nov. 4, 2011
Attendees: Karen Panasewicz, Taffy Gonzalez, Chantal Blanchard, Doris Kim, Kurt Rightmyer, Lori Shields, Nara Clark, Sunshine Cowgill, Paige Wright, Dan Block, and Jocelyn Leonard.
Meeting called to order at 8:35 a.m.
Welcome. Lori Shields had a correction for the Oct. 2011 meeting minutes. The correction is that Morgan Robertson is the co-representative, along with Lori Shields for the 4th grade classes. After the correction, Lori moved to approve October’s minutes. Taffy seconded the motion. All were in favor.
The students who participated made money on Genevieve. Call Altee to see how much your child earned. Taffy volunteered to call Altee regarding sending out statements to everyone, so they would know how much money they have made and how much they still owe for their study trips.
Class Representatives for the 4th grade let us know that the 4th graders had a great time at Astro Camp. Mr. Crabb had a question about where the Battle of the Books were. They have come in and are in the office. They need to be taped and labeled before they can be passed out to the different classrooms. The Boosters will be getting that taking care of that soon.
Vacancies: 6th Grade Representative and Bookfair Chair. The Bookfair is in the spring this year, Chantal may be willing to volunteer for this position…she is going to look in to what it involves. She is also working on the cookbook right now. An idea was brought up to have the creating of the cookbook, and cooking some recipes from the cookbook become one of the electives in January. Nara volunteered to help with the cooking portion if this becomes an elective.
New Business: The date for the Dinner/Auction is set for Saturday, April 21, 2012. Taffy is still looking at locations. It has been at the Country Club in the past, but Taffy is also checking out Café Roma as an option. Central Coast Gymnastics has said that they would hold a “Kids Night Out” on the day of the Dinner/Auction, as an option for where to take your kids while you attend the Dinner/Auction.
International Day is set for April 27. Chandrika Jaggia is the chairperson for this event. Please contact her if you have questions, or would like to volunteer to present for this event.
Paige and Kurt are working on script. The script has raised $437 on the first four orders this year.
We would like to put together a Welcome Call Committee, to help new families feel welcome and to answer any questions they may have about Teach. Nara, Jocelyn, Doris, and Taffy agreed to be on this call committee.
Mrs. Rosenfield got the grant she was waiting for in order to run a Math Day at our schools. She needs the Boosters to pay $1000 toward the costs of this day. Chantal moved to pay the $1000 for the Math Day. Nara seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:27 a.m.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Teach Boosters Meeting Minutes - Nov 4, 2011
Meeting called to order at 8:35 a.m.
Welcome. Lori Shields had a correction for the Oct. 2011 meeting minutes. The correction is that Morgan Robertson is the co-representative, along with Lori Shields for the 4th grade classes. After the correction, Lori moved to approve October’s minutes. Taffy seconded the motion. All were in favor.
The students who participated made money on Genevieve. Call Altee to see how much your child earned. Taffy volunteered to call Altee regarding sending out statements to everyone, so they would know how much money they have made and how much they still owe for their study trips.
Class Representatives for the 4th grade let us know that the 4th graders had a great time at Astro Camp. Mr. Crabb had a question about where the Battle of the Books were. They have come in and are in the office. They need to be taped and labeled before they can be passed out to the different classrooms. The Boosters will be getting that taking care of that soon.
Vacancies: 6th Grade Representative and Bookfair Chair. The Bookfair is in the spring this year, Chantal may be willing to volunteer for this position…she is going to look in to what it involves. She is also working on the cookbook right now. An idea was brought up to have the creating of the cookbook, and cooking some recipes from the cookbook become one of the electives in January. Nara volunteered to help with the cooking portion if this becomes an elective.
New Business: The date for the Dinner/Auction is set for Saturday, April 21, 2012. Taffy is still looking at locations. It has been at the Country Club in the past, but Taffy is also checking out Café Roma as an option. Central Coast Gymnastics has said that they would hold a “Kids Night Out” on the day of the Dinner/Auction, as an option for where to take your kids while you attend the Dinner/Auction.
International Day is set for April 27. Chandrika Jaggia is the chairperson for this event. Please contact her if you have questions, or would like to volunteer to present for this event.
Paige and Kurt are working on script. The script has raised $437 on the first four orders this year.
We would like to put together a Welcome Call Committee, to help new families feel welcome and to answer any questions they may have about Teach. Nara, Jocelyn, Doris, and Taffy agreed to be on this call committee.
Mrs. Rosenfield got the grant she was waiting for in order to run a Math Day at our schools. She needs the Boosters to pay $1000 toward the costs of this day. Chantal moved to pay the $1000 for the Math Day. Nara seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:27 a.m.
Chili Cookoff November 4, 2011
Click the form below to print & fill out your entry. RSVP! We need to know how many will be attending our potluck, so return the form even if you will not be entering a chili.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Chili Cookoff is Tomorrow!
We'll have a hot meal, Gaga Ball (weather permitting) and chili judging, so come on down!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Bishop's Peak Carnival is this Friday!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Chili Cookoff, Friday, November 4, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
October 2011 Meeting Minutes
Oct. 7, 2011
Attendees: Nell Bennett, Chantal Blanchaud, Kurt Rightmyer, Doris Kim, Nara Clark, Riana Baxter, Morgan Robertson, Taffy Gonzalez, Sunshine Cowgill, Karen Panasewicz, Denise Jenkins, Dan Block, Altee Vigil and Jocelyn Leonard.
Meeting called to order at 8:33 a.m.
Lisa Hargrave is helping out with the Student Council this year, and things are running smoothly. Student speeches will be next Wednesday.
The minutes from the previous two meetings (June and September) were brought up for approval. Kurt moved to approve September’s minutes. Riana seconded the motion. All were in favor. Kurt moved to approve June’s minutes. Taffy seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Principal’s Report: The first assembly for Teach is today. Catalina was a great success. The kids had a great time. The 4th graders will be heading off to AstroCamp soon. (Oct. 19-21). Mr. Block brought an idea for a new program for the students. It is called Destination Imagination or Odyssey of the Mind. This has been a popular program in the Lucia Mar School District. The students compete in challenges in a team setting. Students can be from all different grades, but 6th graders compete against 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Parents can go to www.destinationimagination.com to find out more about this program. The regional competitions are in January and February. Parents would be needed to help facilitate but this is mostly kid-driven. The kids are given a problem, and then they need to work together with their team to solve it. This would be something that would be done in the after school hours. Teams are usually 6-7 participants each. The cost is $130 per team, or $390 for five teams. Mr. Block will have a representative come to talk to parents about the program. More information will follow regarding that presentation.
Class Representatives: Nara and Riana are the 5th grade representatives. Morgan volunteered to be a fourth grade representative. We still need a 6th grade parent to be a representative. We also need an International Day Coordinator, and a Book Fair Coordinator.
Mrs. Rosenfield’s Math Festival Proposal: Mrs. Rosenfield came in to talk with us about funding a Math Festival. It would be an entire day of math. Each class would go to the Multi-Purpose room for 40 minutes to visit all the different stations set up to let them have fun with math. Teachers would then have a 1 ½ hour in service after school to learn how to make math more fun in their teaching of it. Parents and kids would then come back at night to explore the math stations again. Mrs. Rosenfield is writing for grants to help off-set part of the cost. The entire cost is $4000 for the day. She is hoping to get grants to cover about half of the cost. She has asked Bishop’s Peak to contribute $1000, and is asking us (the Boosters) if we could contribute $1000. This event will be for both schools. The link for parents to find out more information about this program is: www.cmc-math.org.
After Mrs. Rosenfield left, there was some discussion as to whether we felt we needed this program, and if we could afford to contribute $1000. Our assemblies are currently within budget, but if we took on this, it would wipe out our assemblies budget. Some money may have to come from the General Fund, or we would have to do some additional fundraising in order to contribute. After much discussion back and forth, it was decided that we would table our decision until the November meeting. This way, we would have a chance to go to the website to find out more about the program. Baywood Elementary held this same Festival last year, so if anyone has contacts at Baywood, ask them what they thought about it last year.
Genevieve Orders: Pick up orders on Thursday after 1:30. If your child has a big order to pick up, please make arrangements to help them get the orders home.
Treasurer’s Report: All bills from last year have been paid. We have two CD’s. One is worth $33,000, the other is worth $10,000. One of them is maturing this week. We need to decide if we want to move it.
Six scholarships have been asked for. Some parents have donated extra money to help pay for scholarships. Thank you very much. Please make payment arrangements for your child’s study trip. If this is a hardship, please call Altee Vigil, Treasurer, to inquire about scholarships, or to work something out.
GLScript brought in $252 this past week. Keep up the great work! Kurt volunteered to help Paige with script.
American Express has started charging us $7.95 per month for their use. However, we do not use American Express. Altee will contact them to see what is going on.
Mr. Block would like for us to purchase a safe to keep all of the script cards in. Morgan moved that we authorize Altee to spend up to $250 for a safe for this purpose. Chantal seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Next, there was some discussion about changing the bank that we deal with. It would be for our checking account with debit card, and the two CD’s. The two bank were are looking at are Chase and Coast Hills Credit Union. Altee will research the differences in interest rates, and compare the rates. Taffy would like to support Coast Hills, because they have supported us in the past. Karen moved that we move the CD’s from the First Bank of Santa Barbara to Coast Hills Credit Union, assuming the interest rate in within 1% of what Chase offers and move the checking account there as well. We would keep the current signers as Altovese Vigil, Sunshine Cowgill, and Jocelyn Leonard. Chantal seconded the motion. All were in favor of moving CD’s to Coast Hills. All were in favor of moving the checking account to Coast Hills, and all were in favor of the signers on the account.
Chili Cook-off: The chili cook-off will be Nov. 4, 2011 in the Multi-purpose room. In past years, we have had enough chili, but not enough salad or bread. So, this year we have decided to buy salad materials, and bread. Altee moved that we pay for these items this year. Chantal seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Extras: In the shed we have a large box of Capri Suns, a large jar of pretzels, a large box of graham crackers, and fruit snacks. We need to use this for some purpose before they expire. It was decided that we would offer them to the 4th grade to snack on for their AstroCamp trip.
T-shirts: There was a problem with the orders on the T-shirts, and we need to get a few more made. Chantal moved that we use the profit money from our current T-shirt order to replace the mixed-up T-shirts. Morgan seconded this motion. All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
T-Shirt Exchanges & Replacements
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
New eScrip Dining Locations
Chilie Peppers Mexican 2121 Broad St San Luis Obispo, CA (805) 541-9154 |
SloCo Pasty Co. Irish 1032 Chorro St San Luis Obispo, CA (805) 540-7278 |
Broad Street Tavern American 1127 Broad St San Luis Obispo, CA (805) 787-0159 |
Marston's Bar & Grill American 673 Higuera St San Luis Obispo, CA (805) 544-3669 |
Gibson Bros. BBQ BBQ 7305 El Camino Real Atascadero, CA (805) 462-8454 |
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Take Charge of Education
We've discovered a terrific way to raise funds for our school. It's super-easy, and all you have to do is use your Target Credit Card®, Target Debit Card® or Target® Visa® Credit Card. We will receive a percentage of the amount of each purchase in the form of an annual check from Target through the Take Charge of Education® program.
To designate our school, just visit target.com/tcoe, or call 1-800-316-6142. Teach Elementary School's number is 35553.
- Find out how much money our school has already received at target.com/tcoe.
- Grandparents, alumni, neighbors and friends can take part, too. This program is nationwide.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Genevieve's Orders Due Tomorrow
Friday, September 2, 2011
September 2011 Boosters Meeting Minutes
Sept. 2, 2011
Sunshine called meeting to order at 8:34.
Financial report by Altee...lots of parents have paid for Catalina. We have purchased Quickbooks Online and are now in the early testing stages and will make sure kinks are worked out before we go "live" with real information. Lyn Cowgill has been very helpful with working out the kinks in the system. Genevieve is happening now!
Sunshine and Altee advised that they are very seriously considering moving the bank account (checking) from where it currently is to Chase. Discussion followed on considering other institutions, such as Golden 1 and the credit union where Jeff York is the CEO as they were very generous to our auction last year. Altee will be reviewing the financial institutions discussed and make a decision. CD's and student government account financial institution will be relooked when the CD's mature.
Principals Report - Mr. Block discussed how both schools are "bursting at the seams" and that he is proud to welcome our two new teachers to TEACH. He also discussed the parking lot scene and reminded parents not to arrive at the loading zone until at least 2:15 and to consider other options, such as Highland Drive and behind the school.
Room Reps - Karen Panasewicz and Denise Jenkins offered to be 4th grade reps. Nara Clark and Riana Baxter offered to be 5th grade reps. Opening exists for 6th grade reps.
Teacher Report - Mrs. Jones thanks Boosters for helping in making Catalina a possibility. She mentioned that if we pay the yearbook company we used last year early we will get a substantial discount. Discussion happened on other options as Chantal Blanchard mentioned she had great success with another company who didn't require such early deadlines. It was decided that Mrs. Jones would research both companies. In the interest of time, Mrs. Jones was granted permission by unanimous approval to use up to $500 as a deposit for the yearbook with whichever company she picks as the deadline will be before the next Boosters Meeting. This motion was moved by Kurt Rightmyer and seconded by Stacy Thacker.
Mrs. Jones also mentioned as part of the yearbook finances each teacher needed a zip drive, plus one for the 6th graders putting together the yearbook. It was unanimously approved that Mrs. Jones could spend up to $150 for flash drives. Motion moved by Altee Vigil and seconded by Nara Clark.
T-shirts - deadline will be extended by one week as not all students received the flyer this week.
Check Writing - Taffy Gonzalez moved that the signers for the 2011/2012 school year on the Teach Boosters Checking account will be Sunshine Cowgil, Altee Vigil and Jocelyn Leonard. The motion was seconded by Kurt Rightmyer.
Genevieve - Pia Laurie mentioned needing help counting money next Friday. Summer Kabaker offered to assist.
Chili Cookoff - Lori Shields offered to chair the Chili Cookoff.
Math Fair - It was decided to invite Mrs. Rosenfield to the October boosters meeting so that she could discuss the math fair and by then, hopefully, she would know how much money she needed as her grants might be determined by then.
Meeting adjourned 9:50am.
Minutes were taken by Taffy Gonzalez for Jocelyn Leonard who was unable to attend.
Thank you very much Taffy!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Ice Cream Social
Look for an invitation to our annual Ice Cream Social, coming up August 23, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. All new and returning Teach students and their families are invited to make new friends and see old ones before the first day of school.
Students will play getting-to-know-you games and eat ice cream. Teachers, administrators and returning families will also be on hand to answer questions and help make the transition to Teach fun and easy. Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Summer Teach Fridays at Avila Beach
Monday, June 6, 2011
Teach Boosters Meeting Minutes June 2011
June 6, 2011
Attendees: Nara Clark, Pia Laurie, Doris Kim, Altovese Vigil, Sunshine Cowgill, Dan Block, and Jocelyn Leonard
Meeting called to order at 9:35 a.m.
Melody Hunt from Otis Spunkmeyer came by to make a presentation regarding her product. The Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough can be combined with Genevieve for our fall fundraiser.
Altee moved that we do a self-organized, athletic themed idea on our own, without having to sell other people’s stuff. The idea to branch out on our own then morphed into many ideas of things we could do to raise money ourselves, while keeping more profits for the kids’ study trips. The motion was seconded by Nara and Pia. Sunshine nominated Pia to be the Fall fundraiser chair. Pia will also send out invoices to students who participate so they will know how much money they have raised toward their study trips. Sunshine will e-mail the Teach parents regarding fall fundraising ideas.
Treasurer’s Report: The Auction profit was $11, 298.30. There are still some outstanding bills coming in at the end of the school year. Altee and Sunshine are thinking we may need to change banks. There have been some difficulties at the current bank. We are thinking of separating the student council funds from the main funds. The student council funds may stay at First Bank, but we may take our main funds elsewhere. Sunshine and Altee will work on this.
Elections: Altee nominated Sunshine for President. All were in favor. Sunshine was elected. The other nominations/elected board members are as follows: Taffy Gonzalez for Vice President, Altee Vigil for Treasurer. Altee will have help from Pia Laurie. Jocelyn Leonard for Secretary. We still have an opening for 6th grade parent representative. The 5th grade parent representatives will be Nara Clark and Riana Baxter. We still have an opening for 4th grade parent representative. Pia will handle student accounts. Paige Wright, Altee Vigil, and Nara Clark will handle the Ice Cream Social. Angelia Moore will take care of e-script. Mary Ellis took over Box Tops this last year. Sunshine will ask her if she will continue for next year. There will be T-shirt order forms at the Ice Cream Social.
Meeting adjourned at 10:48 a.m. Have a great summer!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Teach Boosters Meeting Minutes - May 6, 2011
May 6, 2011
Attendees: Sunshine Cowgill, Taffy Gonzalez, Paige Wright, Tammy Haas, Dan Block, Erica Stewart, Altee Vigil, and Jocelyn Leonard.
Meeting called to order at 12:59 p.m.
Principal’s Report: There will be STAR testing next week. Teacher Appreciation Week is this week. Sarah Atwell has done a wonderful job coordinating all of the activities for the teachers this week. Teach is growing. Everyone who applied for next year has been accepted. Next year it looks like we will have two 4th grade classrooms, one 5th, one 5th/6th, and one 6th.
Succession Planning: Erica nominated Altee for treasurer. Taffy seconds the nomination. Tammy agreed to take care of Genevieve’s again for next year. We will talk more about this fundraiser at our June meeting. Taffy nominated Sunshine for president. Tammy seconded the nomination. We will have elections next month (June). Erica suggested sending an e-mail to the class representatives to see if anyone knows of someone to nominate for the Executive Board. Taffy said she would consider being a co-vice president with someone else for next year.
Tammy suggested inviting the new 4th grade parents (those with kids going into 4th next year) to the next Boosters meeting. Sunshine would like ideas sent to her regarding how to communicate with parents.
Paige and Altee will co-chair the Ice Cream Social event for this next school year. They will get the supplies from Smart and Final. Sunshine will send the letter out inviting the students to the ice cream social.
Genevieve Fundraiser: There was a vote as to whether or not to continue with the Genevieve fundraiser in the next school year. Four out of six voted to keep it as a fundraiser. Paige will research if there are any “Made in America” catalogs out there with products to sell. After some discussion, Paige moved that we shelve the Genevieve question until the next meeting. Erica seconded the motion. All were in favor. Tammy will contact Julie from Genevieve to ask her to come to our meeting in June to show us what Genevieve has to offer.
Derby Days: Derby Days will be tomorrow night at the San Luis Obispo Country Club. Due to the amount of money that had to be pulled out for the cash drawer for the event, Altee has asked the bank for a key to put the money back into the night drop after the event. She does not want to have to carry the money around after the event. She would like to take the money right from the event to the bank. The key for the night drop costs $5, with an agreement to pay $27 for the year. Taffy moved that up to $50 be available to Altee for banking purposes for this event. Paige seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Paige moved to approve the meeting minutes from April. Erica seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 1:47 p.m.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Derby Days!
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Photo Finish: Ebisu in the lead, followed by Wild Spirit and Not so SLO, tied for second place. Trailing are Swirly Stallion, Tiger Pride and Views of the Meadow. |
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Ziyad Naccasha poses with winning horse Ebisu. |
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Taffy Gonzalez won the Hat Parade with this wispy topper. |
Just by participating, all those parents who showed up supported our school, our Booster Club and our students. Your donations, contributions, tickets, enthusiasm and presence all support our endeavors to enrich our children's school experience and make Charles E. Teach Elementary a unique, quality educational program.
Click Here to see more info and photos. More will be posted soon, so check back!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Derby Days Dinner & Auction
Dinner and Auction
255 Country Club Dr., San Luis Obispo
Hat Parade :: Dicey Horse Racing
Don't miss this annual fundraiser featuring gourmet dining and bar--Kentucky style, silent and live auctions, a traditional Kentucky Derby Hat Parade and Dicey Horse Racing!
Please contact Erica Stewart for more information.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Teach Boosters Minutes April 2011
Attendees: Sunshine Cowgill, Altee Vigil, Erica Stewart, Dan Block, Doris Kim, Nara Clark and Jocelyn Leonard
Meeting called to order at 8:40 a.m. Erica moved to approve the March meeting minutes. Dan seconded the motion. Minutes were approved.
Principal’s Report: It has been a busy month. We did really well at the Applebee’s fundraiser. The 5th graders had a great time in Yosemite. The 6th grade play is coming along well. Spring break is coming soon. After spring break, we will have a week of regular school before we start the STAR testing. The first week of testing will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. (This will be the second week of May). The second week of testing (3rd week of May), testing days will be Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The make-up testing days will be Thursday and Friday of that week. The 6th grade Challenge Day, led by Jeremy Bates is coming up. This is a whole day event for 6th graders, to help them prepare for middle school. The price for the day is $500, which we can split with the Bishop’s Peak PTA.
Financial Report: The Applebee’s breakfast brought in $2038. We made $1600 in profit! We will definitely do this fundraiser again next year. The feedback we received was that people really enjoyed themselves and found it to be a good family event. Next year we will let people know that they can also buy tickets at the door. The March-a-thon brought in $5427.02 in pledges and $2300 in sponsors.
Class Representatives: The 4th grade has nothing to report. The 5th grade had a great time in Yosemite. Parents were very appreciative of Mr. Jarvis’ updates online. Thank you Mr. Jarvis! The updates made parents feel more at ease. The 6th grade went to the Rosecrucian museum recently and had a great time. The 6th grade play will be April 14. Middle school registration is coming up for the 6th graders also. CAP projects are going on now, and are going well.
Derby Days: We have an auctioneer. His name is Tim Kennedy. The menu has been finalized to go along with a Southern theme. The silent auction items are coming in. We need more large ticket items. Currently we are gathering donations and selling tickets. People can buy tickets online.
Other Business: Sunshine will get the thank you cards to Jocelyn to write thank you notes to our March-a-thon sponsors. Sunshine thinks that $250 is what the 6th graders from last year were planning to donate for the sundial in the school garden. Doris suggested that the money should go into a garden fund for when the sundial is purchased. Dan mentioned that the 6th grade mural is coming up soon. The two schools work together on this project.
Scrip: Doris is still working on scrip.
Next year is Bishop Peak’s turn to hold the Book Fair in the fall, with Teach holding theirs in the spring. Altee mentioned that at her last school the Book Fair was run by the librarian, and the profits all went to the library to be used to fund the library. There are extra book credits for the librarian when this happens. People thought that this sounded like an interesting idea. The AR online tests have been well received. The teachers and kids love it. It is very motivating for the kids, because most of the books they are reading are now online. Parents can check their child’s progress on Renaissanceplace.com.
Succession Planning: We need to plan for next year. Please nominate/volunteer for positions for next school year. So far we have The Wormley’s agreeing to work on the directory. Taffy has agreed to continue with the Assemblies. Sunshine has agreed to handle the T-shirts and continue as the Webmaster. We are still looking for a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Classroom Representatives. They are many smaller jobs that need to be taken care of also. Next year the auction person needs to work solely on the auction. We also need a coordinator for the chili cook-off, Genevieve’s, and the Ice Cream Social. Open Enrollment is over. So far we know will have a 6th grade, a 5th/6th class, a 5th grade, and the 4th grade is still undetermined. There will be at least one 4th grade class.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
March-a-Thon Winners

A huge thank you to all the students, parents and sponsors that made our 2011 March-a-Thon such an amazing success! Not only did we raise much-needed funds for our school, but we also had a great time doing it. In fact, we showed that we can work together on a goal to beat previous years' results and earn a multicolored Mr. Block! Together, Teach and Bishop's Peak earned over $30,000 during this event! Wow!
The boy with the most laps run, schoolwide is: Lucas Abroms with 26 laps.
The girls with the most laps run came in at a 3-way tie: Grace Hotaling, Carlee Turner and Emma Hotaling, each with 24 laps. These students' names will appear on the banner in our multipurpose room. Congratulations - great running!
The student who raised the most money is Kendall Schemmer with $235 raised! Holy Cow! Kendall will be principal for a day.
The class with the highest earnings (measured per capita to make it even) is Mr. Crabb’s class. Congratulations! You will enjoy a pizza party!
And to each parent who carefully supervised the collecting of pledges, worked at the event or cheered on our kids, Thank You. And to each business that generously supported us with funds, products or services, a huge thank you! Your support helps develop citizens who will be a credit and asset to San Luis Obispo county and the world! Please support our sponsors where convenient and thank them for their support. Sponsors and links here.
Friday, March 18, 2011
PTA Golf Tournament
Saturday, May 7, 2011
8:00 a.m. morning tee time
2:45 p.m. afternoon tee time
12-3 p.m. Awards Lunch & Auction
$120 per player/$450 per foursome (includes goodie bag and awards lunch)
The online registration isn't working right now, but please contact golf@24thdistrictpta.org for information.
The event will be held at the Dairy Creek Golf Course, and will be a fun time benefitting our local area PTAs. If you'd like to play a little golf before our Dinner & Auction, get a foursome & sign up!
Please note that our school was invited to fully partcipate in the planning & volunteering for the auction and therefore receive a share of the proceeds. However, since this is the same day as our Dinner & Auction, our Booster Club will not be able to participate in that way. But it is for a good cause locally, and is the perfect opportunity to have a nice round of golf and support our local schools. :-)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Applebee's Digi-Breakfast
Thanks so much to all our Teach Families and your fantastic friends! We made OVER our goal for this fundraiser, and had a nice time doing it. Special Thanks goes to Mr. Crabb for his great idea and hard work organizing this event.
Friday, March 11, 2011
March-a-Thon Info Page, Archived
March-a-Thon is one of our school's two biggest fundraisers, and it's probably the students' favorite.
What is March-a-Thon?
Sponsorships & Pledges
Committee - Volunteers Still Needed
Donate products & snacks for the event
What is March-a-Thon?
March-a-Thon is a student event held in the spring (in March!) to raise funds for our enrichment programs at Teach Elementary School. Bishop's Peak and Teach put on the event together, and kids from both schools run laps to earn money for our school. What I like best about this event is that the students are direct participants in the fundraising. We are not selling someone else's stuff and we get 100% of the profits for our own school. This event raises funds in two ways: through sponsorships and through individual pledges. Local businesses, groups and individuals may sponsor at any level, but historically sponsorships of $100 or more are thanked by printing the logo or name of the sponsor on our t-shirts. The children all receive a free t-shirt that they wear to run that day and get to keep. These shirts are a nice reminder of their day on the green and are perfect for showing school spirit! Volunteers and sponsors also have the opportunity to order a shirt. Individuals contribute by pledging an amount per lap for a runner of their choice. After the run, the children collect their donations based on the lap pledge (or fixed amount) and the number of laps they ran. Last year, this event earned $4000 for Teach and $18,000 for Bishop's Peak. This year, we have a special reward to offer if we can raise $30,000 combined.
The march-a-thon itself is a morning on the grass, with the children excused from class to run their laps. Each class takes a little time out to run, and usually 3 or 4 classes run at the same time. The children seem to really like the friendly competition, and do their best to try to run as many laps as they can. The farthest-running boy and girl in each grade win a medal and get their name on the banner in the cafeteria. Classes with 100% participation (every kid gets at least one pledge and runs at least one lap) earn an ice cream party. In addition to these prizes, children receive a gift certificate to either Tom's Toys or Jamba Juice for every $50 in pledges they collect. And the child with the highest amount collected at each school gets to be Principal For A Day. The kids run around the field and their laps are counted by parent volunteers. We have volunteers distributing water and fruit too. Parents are invited to come to school to cheer their children on and also to have a picnic lunch with their kids on the grass afterwards. Last year, Custom House sponsored a hot dog stand, and we had the chance to buy a super yummy hot dogs lunch and eat with the kids. Custom House will be there again this year, so if you can come to school, the kids really like it. :-)
After the march-a-thon, kids collect their pledges and volunteers count the money, distribute the prizes and plan the parties. (woohoo!) This is a fun event to attend and it's fun to volunteer for. March-a-Thon will be held on March 11, with a rain date of April 8.
Sponsorships & Pledges (top)
Thank you for your continuing support of Charles E. Teach Elementary School. We are once again looking for sponsors to make this a successful event. Contributions are tax deductable.
The March-A-Thon finances many programs that benefit our Teach students. These programs include our 4th grade study trip to Astro Camp, our 5th grade study trip to Yosemite Institute and our 6th grade study trip to Catalina Island, as well as our digital media arts program (in coordination with Cal Poly), electives program, assemblies, Artist in Residence, dance and art classes, playground equipment, classroom supplies and library books. The March-a-Thon is one of our biggest fundraising opportunities of the year. Each $100 sponsor will have his or her name or logo printed on our March-a-Thon shirt, worn by students the day of the event and regularly throughout the school year.
Kindly send your contribution and your contact information to: 451 Jaycee Drive, San Luis Obipso, CA 93405. Your donation is tax deductible. All sponsorships must be received by March 1st to meet our T-Shirt printing deadline. Need more information? Please email Erica Stewart or call her at 215-0874. Make checks out to Teach Boosters. Logos can be emailed to Erica (above) or Sunshine (below).
Your children will be asking for pledges too. Encourage them to ask family and friends to sponsor them. They will have a great time earning money for their school. Anyone can sponsor a runner, and they may pledge by the lap or a flat amount.
Committee - Volunteers Still Needed (see descriptions below) (top)
Please contact Sunshine if you would like to volunteer your time the day of the event or if you'd like to help with planning, preparation or sponsorship. We'd love to have you join us for our meetings, even if it's just to share your input. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 9 at 1:00 pm in the staff room.
Help us to make this year’s March-a-thon the best ever!
Teach needs the following volunteers:
- Solicit T-shirt sponsors (contact old and new sponsors by letter, phone and in person) - follow up until all sponsors are obtained (25-30 sponsors) (Filled - Ali Alltucker, Jamie St. Cyr, Sandy Potter & Jackie Jensen)
- T-shirt logistics & distribution to students/staff (1 person, works with T-shirt chair John Rourke)
- Secure and coordinate coffee/snacks for volunteers and students on the day of the event (1 person, works with Wendy Dahl)
- Schedule volunteers for the day of the event (1 person works with Janine Marion)
- Emcee (Filled)
- Assembly and newsletter promotions (1 person)
- Create a slide show for the Assembly (1 person, works with Mukta Naran)
- Set-Up course, rest areas, tents and equipment in the morning (2 people, works with William Baxter and Dennis Martin)
- Take-Down and Clean-up of tents, equipment and course in the afternoon (2-3 people, works with Doris Kim)
- Prize & Awards coordinators to advertise contest, tally prize and award winners, obtain prizes, and organize parties, Principal for the Day and Banner (1 person, works with Jacque Evers)
- Money counters (filled - Jacque Evers, Doris Kim, Pia Laurie & Mukta Naran) to count and prepare the deposit for pledges and sponsor checks
- Lap Counters, Water Distributors, Kid Wranglers and Sundry Warm Bodies to be available the day of the event (AND the rain date)
- Photographer to take beautiful photos of our beautiful children and volunteers on that day (or rain date) (1 person)
Please email Sunshine and let her know where you can help! THANK YOU to our amazing, enthusiastic, and good-looking volunteers!!
Donate supplies or snacks for the event (top)
Want to donate supplies for the event? We need everything from 6x9 envelopes to sliced fruit for the runners. Please contact:
John Rourke for supplies (or 549-0857)
Rachel Morgan for snacks, water and beverages (or 544-2759)
- Dixie Cups (paper please)
- Cut-up Fruit (apples, grapes, oranges...durable stuff)
- Bottled Water (for lunch)