Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 2011 Teach Boosters Meeting Minutes

December Boosters Meeting

In attendance: Taffy, Chantal, Summer, Karen P., Riana, Nara, Morgan, Kurt, Paige, Altee and Sunshine


Meeting began at 8:30.

Yosemite trip is looking for chaperones. DIscussion on adding winter gear to blog for kids to swell/swap. Sunshine to research possibility for people to be able to add their own classifieds on blog.

Discussion on Boosters subsidizing yearbooks so that they are available to all. Not in this year's budget, but suggestion for tabling it for future.

Principals report - Mr. Block said the toy drive is happening and that the toys will stay local. Student council will wrap the gifts. Bring unwrapped new toys to school. The mice battle continues at the portables. Poison will be used over the winter vacation since students will not be present then.

Sunshine brought up that we still need a 6th grade rep. If anyone has any suggestions, please contact her.

Discussion on the fact that last year's 6th grade donated money towards a sundial for the outdoor classroom. The money still hasn't been officially given to the builders. This item is tabled pending discussion with builders and student council parent advisor, but will remain on agenda under old business until resolved.

Altee reported that all accounts have been moved from Santa Barbara bank to Coast Hills except for one CD and the student council checking account. The CD will move in April when it matures. Altee also reported that on October 8 our insurance will need to be renewed again.

Discussion began on using regular mail vs. email for student trip bills. Decision made to continue using regular mail.

Chantal Blanchard offered to cochair marchathon with Summer.

Discussion regarding budget began and it was agreed that Boosters should continue doing Appleby's breakfast again this year as it was so successful. It was suggested that we should contact Travis Jones, a TEACH parent regarding this. Boosters is overbudget by approximately $12,000.

Motion moved by Chantal and seconded by Altee to spend up to $400 on CAP for Big Brothers/Big Sisters event. Motion passed with vote of 3-2.

10:10am meeting adjourned.