Teach Boosters Club Minutes
May 6, 2011
Attendees: Sunshine Cowgill, Taffy Gonzalez, Paige Wright, Tammy Haas, Dan Block, Erica Stewart, Altee Vigil, and Jocelyn Leonard.
Meeting called to order at 12:59 p.m.
Principal’s Report: There will be STAR testing next week. Teacher Appreciation Week is this week. Sarah Atwell has done a wonderful job coordinating all of the activities for the teachers this week. Teach is growing. Everyone who applied for next year has been accepted. Next year it looks like we will have two 4th grade classrooms, one 5th, one 5th/6th, and one 6th.
Succession Planning: Erica nominated Altee for treasurer. Taffy seconds the nomination. Tammy agreed to take care of Genevieve’s again for next year. We will talk more about this fundraiser at our June meeting. Taffy nominated Sunshine for president. Tammy seconded the nomination. We will have elections next month (June). Erica suggested sending an e-mail to the class representatives to see if anyone knows of someone to nominate for the Executive Board. Taffy said she would consider being a co-vice president with someone else for next year.
Tammy suggested inviting the new 4th grade parents (those with kids going into 4th next year) to the next Boosters meeting. Sunshine would like ideas sent to her regarding how to communicate with parents.
Paige and Altee will co-chair the Ice Cream Social event for this next school year. They will get the supplies from Smart and Final. Sunshine will send the letter out inviting the students to the ice cream social.
Genevieve Fundraiser: There was a vote as to whether or not to continue with the Genevieve fundraiser in the next school year. Four out of six voted to keep it as a fundraiser. Paige will research if there are any “Made in America” catalogs out there with products to sell. After some discussion, Paige moved that we shelve the Genevieve question until the next meeting. Erica seconded the motion. All were in favor. Tammy will contact Julie from Genevieve to ask her to come to our meeting in June to show us what Genevieve has to offer.
Derby Days: Derby Days will be tomorrow night at the San Luis Obispo Country Club. Due to the amount of money that had to be pulled out for the cash drawer for the event, Altee has asked the bank for a key to put the money back into the night drop after the event. She does not want to have to carry the money around after the event. She would like to take the money right from the event to the bank. The key for the night drop costs $5, with an agreement to pay $27 for the year. Taffy moved that up to $50 be available to Altee for banking purposes for this event. Paige seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Paige moved to approve the meeting minutes from April. Erica seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 1:47 p.m.
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