Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Teach Boosters Meeting Minutes June 11, 2010

Minutes from Teach Boosters Club Meeting
June 11, 2010

Attendees: Bonnie Achugbue, Sue Gupta Pal, Jessica Napier, Altovese “Altee” Vigil, Kathryn Rogers, Taffy Gonzalez, Cheryl Clark, Laura Finz, Jill Chan, Sunshine Cowgill, Jen Flachman, Doris Kim, and Jocelyn Leonard.

Meeting was called to order at 8:40 a.m. Sunshine Cowgill will be the new President for next year. A binder including all of the information from this year will be given to her.

Principal’s Report: Mr. Block was not available.

Teacher’s Report: There was no report from the teachers.

Financial Report: Ahmad was not able to attend today. He will meet with Altee to go over Treasurer duties. Altee will be the new Treasurer for next year.

An e-mail will go out next week for pledges for the 5th and 6th grade for next year.

At this point in the meeting, we all went outside for the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Outdoor Classroom.

Assorted Financial issues:

Taffy requested the same amount of money for assemblies for next year.
The Chili Cookoff cost more money than anticipated.
The 6th grade play came in under budget. Next year, there will be no director, as the director is leaving the area. A parent will have to step up.
Assemblies were budgeted $1000, and did not go over.
PCPA/PAC performances were budgeted $1500, and did not go over.
Battle of the Books were budgeted $200, and did not go over.
DARE was budgeted $30, and did not go over.
Directory was budgeted for $100, and did not go over.
Electives were budgeted at $500, and did not go over.
The Bookfair raised $800.
The Fall Fundraiser raised $11,000.

It was suggested that the new 4th/5th grade classroom next year will need lots of supplies, including a set of Battle Books.

There was a debate about moving the fundraiser to the spring and the potluck to the fall, in order to let people meet each other. There were pros and cons to keeping it as is, and for changing it. Sunshine moved that we have the fundraiser in the fall and the Chili Cook-off in the spring. Altee seconded it.

The Gift Card fundraiser is doing well. After 5 months of selling the cards, there have been an average of 7 families participating per month, and we have raised $520.
Next year, we will offer the gift cards and Escrip. Doris Kim offered to help with the E-scrip.

Other Business: We need someone to be in charge of the Ice Cream Social this year. The Ice Cream Social is the day before school starts.

Altee suggested that Erica Stewart was interested in the Vice President position. Jen said, she would follow up on that.

Sunshine was officially nominated for President by Jocelyn, and seconded by Kathryn. All were definitely in favor.

Our T-shirt sales lost money for us this year. However, it was pointed out that there was a negative carry over from the previous year. It was decided that a T-shirt request form should be put into the back-to-school packet, along with information about Escrip, the Gift Cards, and the Bookfair.

Someone is needed to take over the Genevieve’s Fundraiser in the fall.

Jen is working on the Mission Statement for Teach Elementary.

Sunshine, Jen, Dan Block, and Lisa Guy (Bishop’s Peak PTA President) will meet soon to discuss dates for next year.

Jen thanked everyone who helped with Boosters Club this year. All thanked Jen for her hard work.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.