Teach Boosters Club Meeting
March 4, 2011
Attendees: Erica Stewart, Sunshine Cowgill, Paige Wright, Riana Baxter, Altee Vigil, Nell Bennett, Tammy Haas, and Jocelyn Leonard
Meeting called to order at 8:47 a.m.
The minutes from the February meeting were presented. Erica moved to accept them. Riana seconded the motion. All were in favor. None opposed.
Financial Report: There is $28,795.73 in the bank account. The $19,000 check has cleared. We are getting the Applebee’s money coming in. We have approximately $1900 in donations for the March-a-thon. All the reimbursement checks have been paid.
Principal’s Report: The Electives went really well. In the newsletter, there is information about the Superintendent’s 10 Initiatives. They are also on the SLCUSD website. Take a minute to check them out. There are a lot of them that are performance based, which is not a problem at Teach. The goals are ambitious, but we are doing well. There is always room to improve though.
The talent show last week was phenomenal. Thanks to Kim, Eric, and Beth!
The fifth graders are in Yosemite this week with their teachers. They are coming home tonight.
Open enrollment continues through March 23. Thursday, March 10 will be the Teach Open House. At 6 p.m. there will be a tour of the classrooms for perspective students. At 6:30, there will be a perspective parent/student meeting in the Multi-Purpose room. At 7 p.m. the Open House for current students begins.
The enrollment at Teach has jumped from 65 students to 125 in the last three years. We are continuing to grow.
Class Representatives: Riana, representing the 4th grade, let us know that things are going well. The students are thankful for the Battle of the Books.
Teacher’s Report: Mrs. Jones came to talk to us about the Yearbook for this year. The 6th grade will handle the yearbook this year. They are getting started on it now. They are learning how to do the publishing. Bernadette and Charles Birdsong are helping with this project in the digital media lab. To move forward with this though, the class needs $2000 for the program, printing, and delivery. The students are making the order forms today. Paige moved that we agree to pay the $2000 for the yearbooks. Tammy seconded the motion. All were in favor. None were opposed. This money will be made up in the selling of the yearbooks.
There was a question as to how new students to the school would get their picture in the yearbook, since they were not here for picture day. All students who weren’t here on picture day will get their pictures taken against a similar background, so they can be in the yearbook too. Mrs. Jones will check if there is a way to get the new students’ pictures from their previous schools through Lifetouch.
The Pancake Breakfast will be on March 12. Tickets are still available. Sunshine and Erica will be selling tickets at the door also. The breakfast will be at Applebee’s. Paige and Riana will sell pancake tickets at Open House.
The Big Brothers/Big Sisters event will take place on April 9. We need parents and kids to help out on the day of the event. A flyer will be sent home soon.
The classes are loving the Battle of the Books that the Boosters purchased for the classrooms earlier this year. Next year we will work on labeling the AR/Lexile information more clearly.
Fundraisers: The Dinner/Auction this year will be on May 7 at the San Luis Obispo Country Club. The tickets will be between $65 and $75 each. We were able to get a good deal from the Country Club. We need live/silent auction items. Sunshine is getting a letter together for the parents regarding this. The event will have a Kentucky Derby theme. People can wear their hats. The entertainment will be decorating/racing a derby horse. There will also be a dessert auction.
Altee is looking at having a credit card machine onsite at the auction, to make it easier for people to pay. There is a $99 fee for the software, etc. The bank will lend us the machine for the night. We can then decide if we want to rent the machine for $25/mo, with a minimum of 2 months. Sunshine mentioned getting a PayPal account, which would be free. People would have to fill out their card number and sign for it though. Paige suggested that we could bring a computer and enter it manually at the country club. There is a fee for using your credit card. The fee is 2.2% plus a 30 cent per purchase charge. Paypal is free for a basic account, but $30 per month for an upgraded account. Riana moved to get a merchant processer’s account through PayPal and to pay the $99 to have the credit card machine there the night of the auction (provided the district doesn’t already have a credit card machine that we could borrow). Paige seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.
New Business: The 6th grade play this year will be Alladin. The 6th graders are in need of a few items. The needed items are: “marketplace” booths, and costumes to be worn by the cast.
We have made $2110 from script so far this school year.
We need to start thinking about succession planning. We need to fill the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Classroom Representatives for next school year. We need to have a list go out including job descriptions, and a list letting working parents know what things that they can help with.
Meeting adjourned at 10 a.m.