Friday, April 1, 2011

Teach Boosters Minutes April 2011

Teach Boosters Meeting April 1, 2011

Attendees: Sunshine Cowgill, Altee Vigil, Erica Stewart, Dan Block, Doris Kim, Nara Clark and Jocelyn Leonard

Meeting called to order at 8:40 a.m. Erica moved to approve the March meeting minutes. Dan seconded the motion. Minutes were approved.

Principal’s Report: It has been a busy month. We did really well at the Applebee’s fundraiser. The 5th graders had a great time in Yosemite. The 6th grade play is coming along well. Spring break is coming soon. After spring break, we will have a week of regular school before we start the STAR testing. The first week of testing will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. (This will be the second week of May). The second week of testing (3rd week of May), testing days will be Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The make-up testing days will be Thursday and Friday of that week. The 6th grade Challenge Day, led by Jeremy Bates is coming up. This is a whole day event for 6th graders, to help them prepare for middle school. The price for the day is $500, which we can split with the Bishop’s Peak PTA.

Financial Report: The Applebee’s breakfast brought in $2038. We made $1600 in profit! We will definitely do this fundraiser again next year. The feedback we received was that people really enjoyed themselves and found it to be a good family event. Next year we will let people know that they can also buy tickets at the door. The March-a-thon brought in $5427.02 in pledges and $2300 in sponsors.

Class Representatives: The 4th grade has nothing to report. The 5th grade had a great time in Yosemite. Parents were very appreciative of Mr. Jarvis’ updates online. Thank you Mr. Jarvis! The updates made parents feel more at ease. The 6th grade went to the Rosecrucian museum recently and had a great time. The 6th grade play will be April 14. Middle school registration is coming up for the 6th graders also. CAP projects are going on now, and are going well.

Derby Days: We have an auctioneer. His name is Tim Kennedy. The menu has been finalized to go along with a Southern theme. The silent auction items are coming in. We need more large ticket items. Currently we are gathering donations and selling tickets. People can buy tickets online.

Other Business: Sunshine will get the thank you cards to Jocelyn to write thank you notes to our March-a-thon sponsors. Sunshine thinks that $250 is what the 6th graders from last year were planning to donate for the sundial in the school garden. Doris suggested that the money should go into a garden fund for when the sundial is purchased. Dan mentioned that the 6th grade mural is coming up soon. The two schools work together on this project.

Scrip: Doris is still working on scrip.

Next year is Bishop Peak’s turn to hold the Book Fair in the fall, with Teach holding theirs in the spring. Altee mentioned that at her last school the Book Fair was run by the librarian, and the profits all went to the library to be used to fund the library. There are extra book credits for the librarian when this happens. People thought that this sounded like an interesting idea. The AR online tests have been well received. The teachers and kids love it. It is very motivating for the kids, because most of the books they are reading are now online. Parents can check their child’s progress on

Succession Planning: We need to plan for next year. Please nominate/volunteer for positions for next school year. So far we have The Wormley’s agreeing to work on the directory. Taffy has agreed to continue with the Assemblies. Sunshine has agreed to handle the T-shirts and continue as the Webmaster. We are still looking for a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Classroom Representatives. They are many smaller jobs that need to be taken care of also. Next year the auction person needs to work solely on the auction. We also need a coordinator for the chili cook-off, Genevieve’s, and the Ice Cream Social. Open Enrollment is over. So far we know will have a 6th grade, a 5th/6th class, a 5th grade, and the 4th grade is still undetermined. There will be at least one 4th grade class.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m.