Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Mrs. Robson's and Mrs. Serafin's fifth grade students are hosting a Mini Mall on December 17th to sell products they have worked hard to create and market over the past few months during an economics exploration.  Fourth and sixth grade students will be invited to come do some holiday shopping at the Mini Mall.  Look for a flyer to come home soon with information on the products being sold and prices.  Fourth and sixth grade students can bring cash on December 17th to purchase items created by our fifth grade students.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Boosters meeting December 5, 2014

Present: Kimberley Wormley, Laura Cooper, Kurt Rightmeyer, Melinda Keller, Terrie Marshall, Brian Olson, Mike Berger, Cerae Speidel, Robyn O’Leary, Wendy Sylvester
Absent: James McMillan (his daughter was just born a few days ago!)

Kimberley called the meeting to order.  There was discussion of how to get the proposed Boosters agenda out to the Teach community prior to meetings.  The secretary (Laura) will submit a newsletter announcement through Janet fifteen days prior to the next Boosters meeting with the proposed agenda, asking for additional agenda items.
Allie is working on a tri fold brochure which would introduce Teach to prospective parents.  Kim has a draft; those interested in having input should contact Kim.  ****ACTION ITEM: have this brochure in print in time for Open House, Spring 2015.*****
Kimberley reported that Kate Stevens wrote and sent thank you letters to school board members and facilities staff, thanking them for their roles in the move to Teach’s new home.
In the next newsletter, there will be a call for parents to help form a fundraising and financial stewardship committee for financial stewardship of Boosters funds.  The committee would make recommendations to the Boosters for what to do with surplus funds, and could also look into grants, evaluating the effectiveness of Boosters fundraising efforts, etc.  Melinda (co-VP) said that she could collaborate on grant writing.  Brian (current Treasurer) would be part of the committee.  The purpose is to propose expenditure of Boosters assets carried over from prior years and to answer the question of whether or not our menu of fundraising should change or remain the same.  Establishing a policy for fundraising could be part of this committee’s activities. 
The minutes from the November meeting had been sent via email and posting on the Google drive.  Kimberley made a motion to approve the minutes as amended; Brian Olson seconded and all present were in favor, none opposed or abstaining. 
Teresa Larsen, school library tech, then spoke.  She herself does not track AR tests; AR test results are tracked by computer as students take tests.  “Encyclopedias” that were referred to in the 11-7-14 minutes should be noted as “reference books.”  Teresa will get information out to parents on how to access e-books and online reference materials.  From the district website, parents can click on the link for Teach Library.  Also under the Teach website, one can click on student resources.  There was a discussion of establishing an Amazon wish list; however, the school district determines that books must be ordered through Tidal Wave, which catalogues the books.  All books that end up in the school library must be approved through the district, so if books are purchased through a source like Amazon, they may not be approved for library use.  Mike Berger called for a vote on purchasing the district librarian’s request for reference books (PO #CG158012013).  There were no votes in favor of purchasing these reference materials.  Kimberley, Brian, Terrie, Robyn, Kurt, Melinda all voted to NOT use Boosters funds to purchase these books.  The consensus was that the Boosters would like to look into options for purchasing reference materials.  ****ACTION ITEM: Robyn will partner with Teresa Larsen to help determine library needs and how to progress in obtaining books that are needed.  They will bring their findings back to the Boosters.****  Brian, as Treasurer, brought up the point that there are not currently funds in the Boosters budget for funding a books purchase of $1000 (which was the amount of the reference books in that purchase order).

Brian reviewed the current status of Parent Pledges (see attachment).  There was discussion of how to contact those families that have not responded at all to the pledge request.  Kimberley asked if each grade rep could send out an email asking each of those families to contact their grade rep(???) if they have not yet pledged.  After January 16th, Kimberley is planning on calling those families who have not responded by that point. 
Brian reported that the Boosters indeed carries liability insurance for events, so events such as the Derby Days and other gatherings (Chili Cook-off, etc,) are covered.  He also reported that the 2013-14 tax return has been submitted. 
In light of the liability issue being resolved, Mike moved that Boosters approve a $1000 deposit for the spring fundraiser (Derby Days).  Terrie seconded the motion and all present were in favor, none opposed or abstaining. 
Report from Grade reps: Cerae reported that Camp Ocean Pines was fun, action packed, and full of learning opportunities.  Regarding the Bog Brothers/Sisters event coming up this weekend, she was told by another parent in Mr. Crabb’s class that Mr. Crabb has spent $150 of his own money on supplied for this event.  There was discussion of “service learning”: the Big Bros/Sisters event is the only Teach-supported event that is a service oriented activity.  Robyn moved that Boosters reimburse Mr. Crabb up to $150 for the expenses he has incurred towards putting on the Big Brothers/Big Sisters event.  Kurt seconded the motion with all in favor, none opposed or abstaining.  A line item will be added to the Boosters yearly budget to support this event financially. 
Kurt reported on upcoming Electives.  There is a need for sports and a cooking class.  Since space is at a premium, outdoor activities are encouraged.  ****ACTION ITEM: Kurt will get an item to Janet for the next newsletter, asking for additional volunteers for Electives.****
Cerae wanted grade reps to know that they have $200 per classroom for party expenses/supplies for the 2014-15year. 
There was discussion of an equipment swap (possibly in January) to assist 5th grade families in gear for the Yosemite trip in February.  ****ACTION ITEM:  5th and 6th grade reps coordinate equipment swap for Yosemite equipment.*****          
There was a thank you to those who are helping with the Gaga ball arena. 
Wendy Sylvester’s business (Docu-Team??) has helped with shredding old Boosters documents; Kimberley will write a thank you note.   

There were some needs expressed: 
  1. The Teach Family directory has not yet happened; Matt Wormley has done this in the past; getting the information during this transition year has been a little tricky thus far; it will most likely come out early next year. 

  1. Boosters need a proposal for what needs to be rented for the school play.  Kimberley will ask Dondi for this.  A date is needed for this event, and $1500 has been budgeted and is available.****

  1. ****ACTION ITEM: There is a School-wide variety show scheduled for January 29th, and there is no budget allocated for that. ****

****ACTION ITEM: Robyn will post on Facebook for Elective volunteers needed ASAP, as one or even two instructors for 12-13 children is a stretch.****

****ACTION ITEM: Mike, who will be assisting his wife Kristina with a sewing Elective, reported that they still did not have vital information about Electives, and will ask Kurt to disseminate details to all parents: when, what day of the week, how many weeks, how long is each meeting?****

****ACTION ITEM: CeRae has a sewing machine to loan to Mike and Kristina.****

Kimberley brought up questions that came up this week when a student transferred to Teach: if a student transfers to Teach mid-year, do we present the pledge materials and ask for a pledge amount from them?  If a student leaves, do we refund any part of previously paid pledge?  Kimberley will get contact information for the new family and make contact along with Cerae as 4th grade rep.  There was discussion that the amount of both pledge and any potential refund would be pro-rated for the elapsed time, but no policy was proposed or voted on.
Kimberley moved to close the meeting, Robyn seconded the motion with all present in favor, none opposed or abstaining. 

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Cooper, secretary

1. Scholastic Book Order 10/06/2014 and 10/08/2014
2. Estimate for MPR Sound System, Bill Gaines Audio, Inc. $12,441,56
3.  Quote for Library Encyclopedia Set, World Book, Inc. $1,064.88
4. Draft Tri-Fold Brochure on Pledge Payments & Volunteering
5. Treasurer’s charts

Parent Volunteers for Electives:
  • Melinda Keller (Renaissance Games and Studies)

  • Kristina Berger (Michael Berger's wife) (sewing)

  • Lyn Cowgill (robotics or electronics)

  • Robyn O' Leary (newspaper journalism and publication)

  • Dondi Hubley (Theater acting)

  • Eric Collins, (robotics or programming)

  • Suzanne Mulay and Amy McKay (graphics design in coordination with the Yearbook)

  • Timothy Crooks (Basic Computer Programming)

  • Tetsuo Uyeda (Taiko drumming)

  • Cerae Speidel (theater set design for the play)

  • Matt Wormley (computer gaming)

  • Paige Wright (jewelry making). 

  • If Mrs. Robson teaches a hip hop dance class that gives us fourteen volunteers and 13 classes.