Thursday, March 26, 2015

Ready for the Teach Derby Casino Night?

Teach Derby Casino Night
May 16, 2015  ::  6:00-10:00 p.m.
The Rourke Barn
Foothill and Los Osos Valley Rd, SLO
Live Auction :: Silent Auction :: Dicey Horse Racing
Tickets are $45 in advance or $55 at the door
Please email Altee for tickets by cash or check and information
or Click here to purchase tickets online.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Tiger Games a huge success!

Our Tiger Games were a huge success, with fun for all and raising funds for our school - HUGE thank-yous to our volunteers and our co-chairperson, Summer Kabaker and Amy Daane. (yay!)

As always, we can't do it without community support - THANK YOU to these additional t-shirt and lawn-sign sponsors.  Please thank them when you see them, and think of them first when you need their businesses.  Check back for details on funds raised and class winners!

Ernie Kim Architect
Ernie Kim, Architect
Estero Plumbing SLO
Estero Plumbing
Coastline Construction & Remodeling SLO
CoastLine Construction & Remodeling

Friday, March 6, 2015

Teach Boosters Meeting Minutes 3-6-2015

Teach Boosters Meeting  3-6-2015

Present: Kimberley Wormley, Brian Olson, Kurt Rightmyer, Wendy Sylvester, Mike Berger, Altee Vigil, Dondi Hubbley and Laura Cooper. 
Absent: Melinda Keller, Robyn O’Leary, CeRae Spiedel, Terrie Marshall, James McMillen

The 6th grade play will be Stuart Little (May 21st, a Thursday).  Dondi has already paid royalties and has been reimbursed for the script.  Casting will be done soon.  T-shirt sales will help offset play costs.  Dondi needs assistance to help during play rehearsals some of which will be during school and some after school.  This play has more speaking roles so there will be more students to manage during rehearsals.  CeRae is going to help with on-campus set construction for the kids who will be doing that as well as T-shirt design.  Kurt reminded everyone that the next round of electives, if it moves forward, could be used to help support some of the play preparation (Wendy wondered if Robyn’s elective newspaper class could be adapted to do the play program design, for example). 
Dondi said that at a school the size of Teach an all-school play could be a better way to go, so that all students have a part in the play (speaking, tech, program design, etc.).  Dondi said she does not yet have an estimate for the lighting as yet.  It will be a higher cost than when the play was at BP, as BP has some of its own lights.  The cost for T-shirts is $4.75 per shirt.  He play paid for them, and parents may give donations at the door towards reimbursing T-shirt cost.  Wendy said that Brad, Dana and Summer Kabaker just did T-shirt research and could get some numbers to Brian.  Dondi said the needs for sets and costuming are still being put together.  There was discussion of putting out an email announcement in the Teach newsletter inviting parents to help with the play.  Kimberley mentioned that Kate Stevens who teaches at SLO High might be able to help or connect Dondi with resources. 
*****Action Item:  Ask James if he has found a videographer for the play.  Laura will find out about another resource she is aware of.  Altee will ask her friend who videos about his ability to do this.*****  There was discussion of the short time period between the play and the end of the school year in terms of marketing the video to parents.  Much later in the meeting, Dondi returned and said that she will try to find a student videographer for the play.  
Kurt reported that Home Depot is going to supply some coolers for protecting kids’ lunches from the sun/heat, as well as some shading to protect the classroom windows from direct sunlight which heats up the classrooms.  Home Depot is also donating a misting system.  Altee said that she had already been asking Home Depot for some things and there was some discussion about how to coordinate donation requests; perhaps a database that tracks who is asking for what from whom.  Kimberley said that perhaps having a “volunteer/donations chairperson” who helps coordinate donations would work (with donations for the social auction handled differently).  Wendy said that Laurie at Miner’s Ace Hardware is also very responsive to requests from schools. 
Kim said that the newsletter went out March 4th soliciting round 2 of Electives.  Janet suggested that moving to a Thursday would give parents who did not have an opportunity to participate.   Kim said that one way to help with leadership development could be to have a child from Round 1 as an assistant for Round 2.  The parents or teachers leading the elective could ask their participants who would like to be an assistant teacher.  Teachers would then select a student to be the assistant.  Kimberley asked if there was enough parent interest for round 2 of electives.  There was discussion of possibly doing Electives after school.  International Day is April 30th.  Kimberley asked Kurt to talk with Pai, Nara and Ava to see where they are in planning this event. 
Mike asked if we could move the May meeting to May 8th.  Kimberley/Laura/Janet will look at moving the day/location to not conflict with SLOCA who utilize the MP room on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month. 
Brian gave a report on the budget.  We are at about 89% participation and 80% of pledged donations have been collected.  We are about 20% short of our expected pledge amount.  The Scholastic Book Fair, KickIT Games and the Social Auction are the big remaining fundraising events.  If we over-exceed on those fundraisers, we may make up the $9000 shortfall that we are now predicting.  Monies raised from parent pledges plus all the fundraisers total up to what the Boosters club hopes to raise for the year.  Wendy said that at the financial stewardship meeting they have discussed changing that dates of some of the fundraisers so that they are spaced to not have too many of the larger fundraisers late in the year.  Through Wendy, Summer said that there has been good participation for KickIT Games so far.  *****Action Item: Kim and Brian will work on a physical letter to follow up on parent pledges. *****
We need $32,000 between the next three big fund raisers (Brian: .  We hope to raise $14K to net $10K on KickIT Games alone.  Out of 30 volunteers/chaperones, we’ve collected most of those funds.  Brian said that before the trips happen, we need to reach out and collect the chaperone funds to get those funds collected in a timely way. 
A question was raised: If the Booster Club gives money to a for-profit company (KickIT), and we’re non-profit, who gets the tax deduction?  ****Brian will look into this.  In general, he recommends each person contact their own tax advisor.  Brian said that due to lack of office support we are not sending tax deduction letters this year.  However, parents can request letters from Brian. 
Altee then discussed Teach Derby Casino Night.  There is a mockup for the posters and there are 6 bids out for the food.  *****Action Item: Altee will get an idea of food costs to Brian by Tues/Wed of next week.*****  Crystal Springs will donate the printing for the poster and booklets.  Donations are trickling in.  The horses are being made by Paige and will be in classrooms by Spring Break so that students can start working on them.  Ticket prices will be $50 which will include play money, food and drink.  John Rourke is taking care of the barn and will get a speaker system.  We have the auctioneer secured.  The glass sponsor is doing stemless glasses.  Altee has been asking local vineyards for wine donations.  ****Action Item: There was mention of James McMillen having a contact at a vineyard.  Laura will donate some wine from her family ranch (6 bottles of wine).****
There will be 6 auction horses and 18 live auction items total.  Altee is reaching out to Save Teach parents from a couple of years ago to invite some of them.  Mike suggested Altee bring some info to Open House on March 18th (flyers, info, horse from years past for visual).  Nametags will be included in each person’s check-in packet.  Altee is creating a timeline for future social auction planners that reports what tasks need to be done at which times to prepare for this fundraiser. 

There was a discussion of accessing electronic resources that are available through the Teach library.  On the Teach homepage, there is information about accessing the e-resources.  *****Action Item: Mike is going to link with the Teach FaceBook page if possible.**** Teresa asked about how the library could put its “wish list” out there for parents.  She also said that the media center is not yet set up and asked for support from parents on this issue.  Teresa said that some prospective parents have come through the library and have seen the unfinished media center.  *****Action Item: Robyn and Kim will explore this.*****
Minutes from 2-6-2015 could not be approved at this point in the meeting as there were not enough board members present to approve them.  Minutes will have to be approved at the next meeting. 
Teresa said that the county is holding a Battle of the Books at Laguna Middle School April 18th, Teresa thought that if Battle doesn’t materialize here they could participate there, or could participate additionally.  Teresa said that Mr. Crabb is getting the Battle materials.  *****Robyn will talk with Mr. Crabb about Battle of the Books.****  Teresa said that the library does not have a full set of Battle Books.  People present said that the classrooms have some books, but each classroom does not have full sets.  Teresa forwarded an email to Robyn and Guy from Rotary Club that offered support in the way of materials… ****Teresa said that she could use a parent to inventory the Battle Books we have on site.  Kim will ask for parent help with this.****  She also asked for help with any additional lists that teachers generate (as in the “challenge” books from years past).  The questions can be shared with Bishops Peak School.  Mr. Crabb may be coordinating with BP to get the questions from them (***ACTION ITEM: Robyn will ask him****).   
There was a discussion of AR tests.  Each teacher is doing this differently.  $1500 is being asked for to set up AR testing in the library. There is an AR app, but you cannot take the tests at home.  (Mignon Jones arrived).  The people present felt that teachers should identify this as a need rather than funding AR subscription at this time.  (Robyn had to leave the meeting.)
Mignon discussed the Scholastic Book Fair.  She will ask Janet for help setting up Signup Genius so that parents can sign up to help.  Teresa and Laura said that they can help today; Teresa said she could also help on Monday morning. 

*****Action Item: Kimberley will bring a projector and screen for the library for Open House.*****
At this point the meeting was adjourned as people had to leave. 

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Cooper, secretary for Boosters Club

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Craft Fair

Back by popular demand!
New Spring date - Friday, May 8 from 2 - 4:30 (right before Mother's Day!) All Teach students can participate. Sign up sheets will be going out soon. Save the date and start planning your craft today!