Good questions.
What's Scrip?
How do I get it?
Why Bother?
GL Scrip Overview & How-To
eScrip & Dining Rewards Network Overview & How-To
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Teach Elementary uses 2 scrip programs: GL Scrip and eScrip. GL Scrip is the company behind our Shop with Scrip program. GL Scrip is simply gift cards that you can use to shop or dine at your favorite places or give as gifts. This program allows you to buy gift cards at face value, and in return, the Teach Boosters receive the "rebates" from your purchases. eScrip is an enrollment program, so there's nothing to buy - our school gets money automatically when you shop at businesses that participate in the program using your registered cards, such as restaurants, grocery stores and online retailers. When you participate in any of these programs, Teach gets a contribution from the merchant whose products or services you buy. HOW NICE!
How do I buy GL scrip? (top)
Buy GL Scrip at, on your mobile phone through an app available at, or complete an order form and submit it to your coordinator through your child's teacher. Detailed instructions are listed here. To take advantage of ScripNow! for immediate purchases, or Reloadable gift cards, you must get a PrestoPay account.
Why bother? (top)
Glad you asked. Why not? You're spending the money anyway, right? In past years, our school has made more than $2500 in the first 2/3 of the school year, just by people making purchases through scrip programs, on things they would have bought anyway. Yay! True, it does take a little planning. Some might even call it budgeting. This is a way we can contribute to our school's enrichment budget with very little effort on our part.
GL Scrip Overview & How-To (top)
GL Scrip has a huge variety of different gift cards you can use for your groceries, gas, gifts, clothes shopping, books, music...whatever! Many families use certificates for gifts and other things like camping supplies for the family. Others buy $400 each month in Albertson's cards for their regular grocery shopping. Who buys less than 50 bucks in gas each month these days? Why not buy a Shell, Chevron or Arco card each month? And how many people couldn't use a Starbuck's card at least once a week? Check for a complete list of gift cards, ScripNow! certificates and reloadable gift cards. These are national and local shops, so whether you are at home, or traveling, you or your far-flung-family and friends can shop with scrip! You can take orders for the grandparents, and mail them their cards, or get them to participate in ScripNow! or get them to use MyScripNowWallet.
There is a large selection of cards - where do you shop regularly? Search the GL Scrip website and see if they have it. Buying a sofa? Look for Pottery Barn, Sears, and Macy's. Remodeling your kitchen? Why not buy $1000 in Home Depot cards? I used a Sears ScripNow! card to pay for a portion of my new washer and dryer expense, and then financed the rest. I even ordered the card while I was checking out, and handed over my phone to give them the gift card number. It's that easy.
See suggestions for Fall entertaining and dining!
Fall Scrip recommendations
See suggestions for holiday giving and shopping! Holiday shopping guide
What kinds of ScripNow! cards are available? ScripNow!
Interested in Reloadable cards? Reloadables
Reloadables are gift cards that have been purchased through the GL Scrip program, and are then available for "reloading" through the GL Scrip program. These are done through the website, using Presto Pay. No waiting for a new card to come, it's usually ready the next day, and in some cases, with reloadable now cards, they can be available immediately! What cards are reloadable? Find a sample here.
Don't want to be loaded down with a wallet full of gift cards? Order and pay for purchases from your mobile phone!
Great Lakes Scrip (GL Scrip) now has MyScripWallet™, their brand new mobile scrip website! When you login to, from your mobile web browser you can easily order ScripNow® eCards and reload existing plastic cards instantly, when you pay for these products using your PrestoPay™ account. You can then redeem them directly from your smart phone! Download the app directly to your phone from the website, and make ordering and using your gift cards even faster and easier!
With PrestoPay and MyScripWallet, you'll have access to more than 250 of your favorite brands available in ScripNow eCards, and over 75 brands that can be "reloaded" onto an existing traditional card that has been purchased through GL Scrip, or your fully mobile eCard! MyScripWallet offers the widest selection of electronically delivered products and the highest rebates available anywhere, and all of your orders are tracked on your ShopWithScrip account. MyScripWallet is currently supported on iPhone and Android devices.

eScrip and the eScrip Dining Rewards Network (top)
When you register your grocery loyalty cards from Von's, Safeway and more (see the full list of merchants at, we get a small percentage of what you spend on groceries every time you shop! Why not get grandma, neighbors and friends to sign their cards up too? Credit/Debit cards also earn a contribution when you shop at network stores like New Frontiers and Spencers, plus all kinds of travel such as Disney Cruises and online shopping sites like Nordstrom, eBay and Sierra Trading Post! And of course when you shop through the Online Mall. EScrip has also introduced a widget that pops up whenever you are shopping on a website that is part of the network. Just get the widget, click on the Auto-Earn widget, use your registered card, and your purchase earns a contribution for our school. Also handy is the eScrip Mall's coupons. When you click on the eScrip Mall or search for any stores within the mall, coupons pop up with all the current offers that website has running. Cool!
So eScrip has three programs: grocery loyalty cards, participating merchants (also includes some grocery stores) and Dining Rewards Network. All you have to do is register your grocery loyalty cards and your credit/debit cards. Detailed grocery card instructions here. (Yes, it's secure.) The enrollment code for the Teach Boosters is 501167433

Check out eScrip Dining! Any time you use your registered Debit/Credit card at a participating restaurant, our school gets a percentage of your total bill! Even better, it's nationwide + Canada too, and you can get an app for your smart phone to help you pinpoint closeby joints that are in the network. Why not let eScrip help you decide where to have lunch? Works when you are traveling too! I downloaded the app, and now I can just hit the button and see a closeby place that's going to donate to Teach when we dine. :-) You'll be earning money for our school without even knowing it. Why not sign up your family's and friends' credit/debit cards too?
Click here to see the eScrip FAQ.
How GL Scrip works.
Can't figure it out? Never Fear! Paige Wright is here to help and answer your questions!