Friday, February 5, 2010

Teach Boosters Meeting Minutes February 5, 2010

Teach Booster Meeting
February 5, 2010

Attendance: Jen Flachman, Taffy Gonzalez, Sunshine Cowgill, Kathryn Rogers, Heather Palandoken, Bonnie Achugbue, Laura Finz, Mr. Block, Ahmad Amir, Cheryl Clark, and Jocelyn Leonard.

Meeting called to order at 8:35 a.m. Ahmad approved last months minutes, Laura seconded the motion.

Jen Flachman will remind parents of the availability of the Blog. There is lot of information posted there, along with the meeting minutes.

Financial Report:

We are doing well financially. We have had three scholarship requests. Notices have been sent to parents with outstanding debts. This has been effective in getting a response. We need to get ready to do another fundraiser.

The Boosters Club will send a donation of $100 to Mrs. Pudlo for her retirement. A card will go around for the kids to sign, to go with it.

Mr. Crabb's class raised $250 for Haiti.

Principal's Report:

There was a nice orientation held to welcome Mrs. Jones. She is the new 6th grade teacher.

Science Fair is Feb. 24.

Open House is March 10th--the Student Council will speak at the Open House.

Open Enrollment--Feb. 23-March 23.

Distinguished School status: Mr. Block met with a lady from the committee already. In early March, there will be an onsite visit by the committee. The school is stressing what makes us unique--Trips, projects, electives, high parent involvement, high test scores, etc. We are the only school nominated and eligible in San Luis Obispo County.

Teacher's Report:

Mr. Crabb will be letting parents know about an upcoming Saturday event--The Special Olympics. It will be an opportunity for our school to come together to help do something wonderful for our community. More details to follow.

Committee Reports:

Scip e-mail will be sent out soon. For more information contact Paige Wright. We made $220 profit last round. We will try to get a copy of the Script form to download to the Blog, and then send out a blast.

Box Tops--March 1 deadline. Jill Chan is the coordinator if you have any questions. There was a suggestion that maybe the kids could help get the box tops ready to be sent in at lunchtime.

Election of Booster officers--to be done in March.

Suggestions on how to raise money to replace Mr. Crabb's stolen camera: penny wars, collection from the parents, March Pizza Night proceeds, Booster money, etc. There will be a collection envelope in Ms. Kelly's room.

The 6th grade play this year will be The Wizard of Oz. Erik Austen is the director. We have 100% involovement by all the kids. Play date: April 29.

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m. Cal Poly Agribusiness Program came in to make a presentation at this time.

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