Friday, October 1, 2010

Teach Boosters Meeting - October 1, 2010

Teach Boosters Meeting
October 1, 2010

Attendees: Heather Palandoken, Taffy Gonzalez, Altovese Vigil, Riana Baxter, Doris Kim, Dan Block, Nara Clark, Sunshine Cowgill, Grace Kim, and Jocelyn Leonard.

Meeting called to order at 8:35 a.m. This is a regular, monthly meeting.

Financial Report: Altee has received $2400 from the 4th grade, $1207.37 from the 5th grade, and $11,072.36 from the 6th grade so far towards the study trips. From the scrip fundraisers, we have received $2318.14 so far. (Altee was not sure if this was from one of the scrip fundraisers, or if this was from both of them combined). And, the Genevieve fundraiser brought in more money this year than last (could be due to the fact that we have a higher enrollment this year). The money raised by Genevieve will help offset the cost of the study trips.

We have had a request for $341 from the school librarian to buy shelf signs, to make the library easier to use. It was suggested that we should split that cost with the Bishop’s Peak PTA. Taffy will check with Lisa (PTA president for Bishop’s Peak), about that and also how much we need to reimburse the PTA for the Battle of the Books books that they bought for the library (we usually split that cost between the two schools). We decided to wait on the librarian’s request until we get more information about it. Altee will check further with her about that. The teachers still have a request out for a set of Battle of the Books for each of the classrooms. The class representatives will check with the teachers about which books are still needed, then send the lists to Sunshine. A note will be sent home to parents asking if they have any of the Battle books at home that they would like to donate. Sunshine will then give Taffy a list of the books still needed for purchase. Altee moved for the Boosters to pay for the books out of the General Fund, Taffy seconded the motion. All were in favor. Taffy will then buy the books needed. The Battle of the Books list repeats every few years, so we won’t have to buy them every year.

Lastly, Altee let us know that last year $1000 was set aside to help with scholarships for the study trips, for those who are not able to pay the full amount. This year, it is looking like we may need to bump that number up to $1500. This issue will be discussed further at a later date, when the need arises.

Principal’s Report: The 6th grade had a good trip to Catalina. It was a rough ride out there even with the Dramamine on the boat. The way back was much better. The boat ride takes about 2 hours. There is an express boat that only takes 45 minutes. Mr. Block suggested we check out the price difference, because a faster, smoother boat ride would make a big difference. He also questioned if the hotel/museum would be necessary if the Express boat was used. Students could leave early Monday morning, instead of on Sunday. Some people said that their children loved the hotel and museum part of the trip. Mr. Block stated that it is something to look into, and think about for the future.

Mr. Block also let us know that there is a possibility to do an online version of AR tests, so that we would have to keep buying individual tests all of the time. The cost is $1700 per year after the trial period. A grant was written to defray the initial cost of the first year. We don’t know if the grant will go through yet. We could possibly split this cost with Bishop’s Peak. More information to follow.

The teachers have come up with a way to raise money for the Booster’s Club to help finance things for our school. Mr. Crabb will come in to talk to us about this in a few minutes.

New Business: November 6 is the Chili Cook-off/Bovine Bingo get together. More information will be coming home with the students. E-scrip will be available at the Chili Cook-off. The Chili Cook-off will be in the Multi-purpose room.

Mr. Crabb came in to talk to us about some issues. First, we have an opportunity, thanks to Mr. Wormley, from Adobe, to get a package for the computers for the Digital Media Lab. We can purchase this package for $100 per computer (normal cost would be $1200 per computer). We already have $750 in matching funds, so we just need $300 to have all of the computers outfitted. This package will include: Web Design, Photo Shop, Dreamweaver, etc. The Boosters will vote on this item after Mr. Crabb’s presentation.

This year, instead of each class voting on the students to receive the Asset awards at the assembly, we are going to try a new thing called “Tiger Tales”. The students will focus on the asset words all month, instead of just for one day. The students will be “caught in the act” of demonstrating this asset throughout the month, and they will get to put their name in a container. At the assembly, two names per class will be pulled out of the container, and those students will receive a Jamba Juice gift card. This way, the students will remember to work on the asset throughout the month. It is thought that $200 would get us through the rest of the year. Taffy will check with Lisa Guy (PTA president) to see if there are any discounts from Jamba Juice for schools, or quantity ordered, etc.

T-shirts will be done by next week. We sold 66 t-shirts this round.

Next, Mr. Crabb told us about the teachers’ plan to help raise money for the school. It is through a fundraiser with Applebee’s Restaurant. The way it works is: tickets are sold ahead of time for about $7 per person. $2 goes to Applebee’s for the food, and $5 goes to the Booster Club. The customers would get all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage, and drinks. The Teachers and staff have volunteered to be the servers. Currently Applebee’s is booked up through February, but Mr. Crabb, our chairperson for this event, will be talking to the manager there tomorrow, so select a date. The staff will handle the whole thing, we would just need to help with bussing tables, greeting patrons, etc. If the person who bought the ticket doesn’t show up for breakfast, Teach gets to keep the whole $7.

After Mr. Crabb left the room, the Boosters voted on the items presented. We were all in favor of the Applebee’s fundraiser. Altee made a motion to pay the money for the Digital Media Lab computer packages, and for the $200 to go toward the Jamba Juice cards (which we may be able to get through GLScript). Jocelyn seconded the motion. All approved.

The revised Bylaws were presented, with the added addendum at the end. The only other change was the address. The address listed now is the school address. There is a signed copy available in the office. We now also have an electronic copy on file.

Regarding the Dinner Auction, Beth Meyer, and Cindy Stolper are investigating possible venues/catering options for a possible May date. The Dinner/Dance/Auction in the past has raised between $10,000-15,000, so we need to make up that money somewhere, either through scrip or another fundraiser. If we do another Dinner/Auction, we are looking to raise money from the community, not necessarily from the parents. We should target businesses, alumni, and business people.

The Bookfair will be held during Conference week. Set-up will be November 12. There will be a volunteer sheet set out to have people sign up to help at the book fair.

The Room Representatives need to tally up their room totals for the e-script/GLscript, so that we can see which classroom has won the pizza party. The last day for e-script to be in the contest is Oct. 22.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.

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