Meeting Minutes - April
Teach Boosters Meeting
Room 27, Teach School
April 5, 2013
Teach Boosters Meeting
Room 27, Teach School
April 5, 2013
Attendance: Randi Barros,
Dan Block, Idona Cabrinha, Nara Clark, Erin Clausen, Deepali Keijale, Doris
Kim, Marie Neumann, Robin O'Leary, Kurt Rightmyer, Morgan Robertson, Lori
Idona called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.
I. Welcome
Idona welcomed those assembled. At this point, Miss Bailey
and two 5th grade students, Molly and Dexter, joined the group to read pieces
that they wrote about their recent trip to Yosemite. The writing was excellent
and everyone appreciated hearing details about their experience.
After the students left, Mr. Block said that he and Miss Bailey
had attended a week-long in-service last summer that focused on writing
personal narratives, and that the pieces we just heard were an outgrowth of
that. This year, Grace Wasser is going to the in-service (paying for it
herself) and is excited to share what she learned once she gets back.
II. Reading and
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
The group took a few minutes to review copies of the minutes
from the March meeting. Randi Barros motioned to approve them and Marie Neumann
seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Kurt Rightmyer mentioned that traffic seems to be lightening
III. Treasurer's
Marie Neumann distributed an updated Profit & Loss
statement, and Idona asked a few questions regarding the way info was included
and presented. Marie told the group that the current balance is $53,518.85. She
said that Creeky Tiki/March-a-thon/Yearbook funds will be coming in in the next
few weeks and she will have a more detailed budget for next year by the end of
April. Idona said that she is still interested in creating a visual
representation of money needed and collected (eg, thermometer).
Marie highlighted the need for someone to volunteer for the
treasurer position next year. She said that it will be much easier next year
for several reasons. Among other things, the bookkeeper will ensure continuity.
There was a question regarding the study trips for next year
and whether there have been any decisions made regarding those. Mr. Block said
that the school is not currently planning a change. He reiterated the point from
last month's meeting that we need to make sure we do not spend more than we
bring in. This is tricky because commitments and deposits are typically due
before we have the opportunity fundraise. He also said that the teachers are
key to the process of determining which trips to take, and that any decisions
need to be made with their input. One concern expressed has been with Astrocamp
and the distance the 4th graders travel for a relatively short trip.
Regarding collecting money, each family has been contacted
more than once, but we are no longer able to do that because of AB1575 and our
need to comply. Lori Shields asked how we can communicate the discrepancy
between the target for collection and where we are to date. Idona asked if Lori
would compose an email to go out via an email blast and Lori agreed. She said
that she could have that ready to send out next week.
Marie reported that we have used $10K of the CD and we may
need to use up to $7,900 more to cover this year's expenses. Doris Kim asked
why so many 6th grade families don't pay the requested amount. There was
discussion about the fact that many seem to think that they're done and no
longer have an obligation help fund school activities. Mr. Block said that he
told the 6th graders during the lead-up to March-a-thon that the Boosters are
giving each student a t-shirt, and because of that they should each find a way
to raise at least $5.
View the Profit & Loss Report, July 1 - April 12 here.
View the Profit & Loss Report, July 1 - April 12 here.
IV. Principal's
Mr. Block reported that Bonnie Johnson, a local art
instructor who works in several schools, has put out her schedule for the
coming school year. He met with the teachers and they figured out an ideal
schedule for instruction at Teach. This year, Bonnie was able to teach 7
lessons at Teach; next year, they hope to have her teach 10 lessons (5 in the
fall and 5 in the spring). These lessons cost approximately $100 each and the
funds come from Boosters. In response to a question, he said that art
instruction was cut from the school budget a few years ago, and now all such
instruction is funded by the Boosters.
Mr. Block mentioned that March-a-thon is today, and that he
places the primary emphasis on fun so that all kids have a good time.
He further reported that the process for selecting members
of Dr. Prater's task force is almost complete, and that those selected will be
notified very soon.
He discussed Open Enrollment and said that there were fewer
forms turned in this year, which is likely due to limited outreach and the
uncertainty over the last few months. At this point, it does look like there
are more 4th graders on the list than Teach will be able to take (there will be
a lottery); it also appears that there will be one complete 4th grade class (versus
a 4/5). The details will shake out as late as August, though, so nothing is
official at this point.
There was discussion regarding class sizes and classrooms
available. Again, there are not many specifics known at this point in time.
Robin O'Leary mentioned the survey recently distributed and said that parents
should note that these issues aren't good for the students or the teachers of
either school.
V. Old Business
A. Need for Boosters
Officers: Idona told the group that the health and viability of Boosters
hinges on the volunteers who help lead the organization, and that we need
people to step up and agree to help out next year. The larger group also needs
to help and support the people who do. Positions can be shared if that makes
things easier for those who volunteer.
Doris Kim suggested talking to the teachers and asking for
suggestions regarding who might be approached and asked.
Idona mentioned that we also need people to volunteer for
non-officer jobs like Ice Cream Social Chair, and Erin Clausen said that she
and Summer Kabaker would cover that job. Idona said that Mignon Jones will also
help with that event.
Idona also mentioned the possibility of doing a fundraiser
at Greengate ranch next year. Someone would need to be a point person on a
project like that as well.
Randi Barros said that she is considering taking on a
position but has scheduling concerns and is working through those. Lori Shields
asked about the timing of an election and Idona said that it will be helpful
for everyone to have the positions finalized by the last meeting of the year,
which is May 31.
Lori Shields had to leave but said that she did not have a
report to make on Mrs. Kelly's class.
B. March-a-thon: Volunteers
will be counting money following this meeting.
C. Traffic Task
Force/Bike Ed Social: This event -- scheduled for April 12 -- is funded by
the Bike Coalition. Kids are encouraged to bring bikes, and it's not a drop-off event.
D. Creeky Tiki Event:
This event is coming up soon, as it's scheduled for April 20. Nara Clark
and Idona have donated things and others are encouraged to come up with items
(generally, experiences) for the bid board. Idona has letters on hand for
people to use when soliciting donations from businesses.
Robin O'Leary mentioned that the classes are each donating a
basket for the auction. Mr. Block said that he would take 5 kids to lunch as an
item for the bid board.
VI. New Business
A. Junior Science
Cafe: Mavis Wong is organizing this effort and has secured the
participation of a few others. The idea is to have a 10-minute presentation, a
30-minute discussion and then an interactive activity at each meeting. The
events will be held in the library at lunchtime, hopefully once a month. There
was some discussion regarding the location and the ability of kids to eat their
lunches there.
B. Funding Cuts:
Idona passed out a handout from a recent school board meeting that itemized
possible budget cuts.
C. International Day:
This year, both schools will be involved. There will be a scaled-down version
for K-3, but the upper BK grades will use the Teach model.
VII. Adjournment
Kurt Rightmyer then motioned to adjourn the meeting and Randi
Barros seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:42 a.m.
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