Charles E Teach Booster
Board meeting
September 6, 2013
Charles E Teach Elementary
School – Room 27
Board Members
Randi Barros
–Co- Vice President
Dan Block –
Principal/Teach School Rep
Mignon Jones
– Treasurer
Rizzo – Board member at large/4th Grade rep
Robertson – Board member at large/6th Grade rep
Lori Shields
– Secretary
Helen Sipsas
– President
Wormley – Co-Vice President
Other Guests In Attendance
Kimberly Charles
Erin Clausen
Taffy Gonzalez
Doris Kim
Grace Kim
Nicole Nicholson
Brian Olson
Kurt Rightmyer
Joyce Romero
Jim Shemmer
Cinde Spense
Wendy Sylvester
to Order - 8:40 am
II. Welcome & Introductions
Update - Mignon reviewed the FY 13 P & L. Helen highlighted some of
the major issues from last year including the uncertainty due to the School
Board decision, there had been some cancellations of activities and trips, but
she also noted that the Boosters still managed to end the year with a small
IV. Open
5th Grade Booster Rep position - Helen announced that the position for 5th
grade rep is still open. That position will help with field trips,
notifications, communications between the grade and the Boosters, etc.
Kurt Rightmeyer volunteered to be the 5th Grade rep.
V. Scrip
– Lori reviewed the Scrip program. She
tried to explain on the value of the program, and gave an example of how the
Boosters can earn money when people use Scrip, including being able to order
ScripNow! through their accounts from their phone. A new element this year is the ability of
participants to recognize the rebates that the school earns off of their
purchases as a tax deductible donation.
T-shirts - Helen presented the flyer for t-shirts and asked everyone to please
turn in their orders soon to be sure to have shirts in time for the first
Spirit Day of the school year.
Science Cafe - Morgan described a new program organized by Mavis Wong. These
are going to be monthly lunchtime sessions to introduce various science
fields - physics, biology, astronomy, etc. to the students. Cal Poly
professionals & other professionals from the area will be making the
presentations. The Café may start as early as this month. Mavis is
asking for the Boosters to buy lunch for the presenters, through a $30 gift
card to Subway. A request to the Bishop's Peak PTA will also be made for
an equivalent donation. Days for presentations have not been set, but may
be on Thursdays. Lori S offered to purchase the gift card on behalf of
the Boosters.
report – Principal Block welcomed everyone, new and returning families. He
feels that we are off to a good start, and we already had 6th grade parents
gather to prepare for the 6th grade trip to Catalina. He noted that there are concerns
from neighbors on Highland already due to parents parking in the “No stop
zone” on other side of street from the school, and parking patrols will be out
giving tickets to those parked there when they are picking up their kids. He
also discussed the District Task Force, and commented that they have spent a
lot of time on defining what is accelerated learning. They hope to be moving on to capacity issues
soon, because that is important too. Principal Block announced that Dondi
Hubley has offered to direct the 6th grade play this year, which will be
at a cost savings to the Boosters. It was announced that Kate Poeschle has
also volunteered to help with that activity.
Fields fundraiser – Helen informed the group that Pia Laurie is the coordinator
for this. Pia needs 4 people on 9/16 to count money from all of the
orders. Profits raised by individual families can be tracked, and
families can deduct those totals from their pledges if they would like to
Breakfast - Erin discussed the pancake breakfast which is being held on Sept 14th. This has been moved to the Elks, from Applebees.
The Elks' lodge has generously offered to waive their facilities fee, and they are
also donating many of the food products. Final ticket price is $5.
Vanessa and Erin will be going to the Elks to try to sell tickets the
night before the breakfast, and the Elks' offered to do a 50/50 raffle and give
the Boosters the profit. We need to sell tickets, and need help at the
event. Erin asked someone with access to the Booster website to add a
link to the sign-up sheet on the Booster website. To-go boxes will also
be offered to any in attendance. The Wormley family has offered to purchase all
paper products for the event to help with the to-go option. Grace Kim
mentioned that the National Honor Society at HS may be able to help with needs
for physical bodies to help put on the breakfast, since they have needs to meet
community service requirements.
Cook-off - Lori briefly promoted the Chili Cookoff. We are still not sure
of the date yet, but it will either be October 4th, or October 11th.
committee - Randi discussed the future event. It may be at Cafe Roma, but a date
has not been set yet. It will probably be
some time in Spring. Taffy G is working
with Randi and they are coming up with ideas for a theme/activity. Can
always use help for getting donations, set-up, etc.
forum - Cindy Spense, Our Sustainability Coordinator was introduced. She is working
on getting the Green Team going again. Green apple Day of Service. The
objective is to create healthier school environments, non-toxic water, cost
savings, etc. Green week is Sept 23rd - 27th.
Each day has a different theme - walk/bike to school, zero waste, garden
day, alternative energy day – will include the Build SMART trailer as an
exhibit on campus. A $500 check from USGBC for all efforts in going green
will be received on Friday. There is a sign-up
sheet available for volunteering at events throughout the week. Through
efforts last year, were able to reduce trash by 25%, which eliminated one day
of required trash service. Also was able to increase recycling by 200% by getting
bigger recycle bins.
Wendy S – discussed the possibility of a Mixed bag/tote bag fundraiser – She informed the group that $3000 was earned last year at Bishop's Peak for this fundraiser, and it was well received. There was not a strong push or hard sell needed to earn that much, and she is willing to help organize if it was decided to do it at Teach. Taffy G recommended doing it during the Book Fair.
Wendy S – discussed the possibility of a Mixed bag/tote bag fundraiser – She informed the group that $3000 was earned last year at Bishop's Peak for this fundraiser, and it was well received. There was not a strong push or hard sell needed to earn that much, and she is willing to help organize if it was decided to do it at Teach. Taffy G recommended doing it during the Book Fair.
noted we still need a chair for the Scholastic Book fair this Spring. Mr.
Block asked that we limit the trinkets on sale at the Book Fair. Nicole
Nicholson volunteered to Chair the Battle of the Books.
XIV Adjourn - 9:40 am