Hi, Teach parents! We need YOU to volunteer to wrap gifts at Border's Books on Madonna Road. Borders supplies all the gift wrap, and Donations/Tips go to our school, so why not spend a couple hours gift wrapping? There's good company, holiday music on the speakers and it smells like coffee & chocolate in there. I got some great Christmas gift ideas, met some really nice people and overall had a relaxing afternoon. :) Caius (my 4th grader) learned some customer service skills, and we had a nice time together.
Shifts are available Tuesday-Sunday this week, from 11-3. There are also two shifts on December 22 (Tuesday) and lunchtime on the 23rd. Can't do the whole thing? Why not split it with a friend? If you'd like a later afternoon shift or after work, I'm sure that would be ok too. Please contact Sunshine Cowgill at 543-2717 or via email at sunshinecowgill@sbcglobal.net to reserve your shift.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Teach Boosters Meeting Minutes - December 4, 2009
Present: Jen Flachman, Laura Finz, Ahmad Amir, Anne Slocum, Taffy Gonzalez, Sunshine Cowgill, and Jocelyn Leonard
Meeting called to order at 8:35 a.m.
Meeting minutes from November's meeting will be approved at the next meeting, which is scheduled for Jan. 8, 2010.
I. Financial Report - Ahmad Amir
Cimi (Catalina) has been paid off. There are Astrocamp bills still out. A new set of invoices will be sent out soon.
The BBQ was a success. $14, 000 was grossed. A few expenses are still out. After all expenses are paid, we expect to have a profit of about $10, 000. There will be another fundraiser in the spring.
Side note: If anyone is missing anything from the BBQ, contact Kathryn Rogers. A few things were left at her house.
II. Principal's Report
There is an assembly today--Catalina report and trimester awards assembly.
Regarding the teacher taking over in 6th grade, when Mrs. Pudlo retires, applications have been taken. There are hundreds to sort through. Interviews will be the week before Christmas vacation.
Science Fair--packets went home with students this week. Next Wednesday (12/09/09), a Cal Poly professor and some students will be coming to talk about science with the students here. They will also come back in January. The science fair is for all students, and is mandatory. It will be held Feb. 24, 2010.
Teach school is writing an application to become a Distinguished School. They are they only school that qualifies in San Luis Obispo County. Mr. Block is hoping to have a rough draft by Wednesday. The application will be highlighting the study trips, the uniqueness of Teach, the community involvement, and the things that are done in addition to the core work. Parents can read through the applications if they wish.
III. Teacher's Report
Mr. Crabb needs more BB books for his classroom. The teachers will be given request forms to submit for books. Mr. Crabb will also be setting up an assembly for Special Olympics to come to our school to put on a presentation.
6th grade student, Emily Flachman, is selling holiday cards through Kids4Kures, a non-profit company she has started. Money raised will benefit children's cancer causes.
IV. Committee Reports
The student council is collecting toiletries for the homeless. Please bring your extra toiletries to donate by noon on the 17th of December.
Taffy stated that the assemblies this year are going well. In December, there will be a classical music assembly, and then a Wright Brother's performance. In February, Cayucos school will come to perform The Velveteen Rabbit. Later on in the year there may be a Brazillian dance assembly.
V. New Business
Many ideas were discussed for fundraising for the next part of the school year. Ideas included things the kids can do to help, such as carwashing, an Applebee's breakfast where the parents serve and the kids bus the tables, Border's gift wrapping, Family game night, and the Chili cookoff.
Next meeting: Jan. 8, 2010. After the regular meeting in January, there will be a short meeting to plan for the Chili cookoff/Family Game Night.
Meeting adjourned at 9:49 a.m.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Newsletter - November 30
Even though it's important to remember those less fortunate throughout the year, the holidays are a great time to channel that charitable spirit! The Teach Student Council is sponsoring a drive to collect toiletries for the homeless. Any items relating to personal hygiene and cleanliness would be greatly appreciated. Collection boxes are located in the classrooms and also in the office and library. Drop in and drop off some travel-sized shampoos, soap, lotion, hand gel, fresh travel razors - whatever you can share! Larger sized bottles will go to shelters, but the smaller ones are portable and easy for travelling people to take with them. All donations are appreciated!
The Bishop's Peak Student Council is sponsoring a food drive for the Food Bank of SLO. The need for food in our county is at an all-time high, and Food Bank stores are desparately low. Collection boxes are in each classroom and in the office and library. Any non-perishable food items are gratefully accepted. Please give!
Make-Up Picture Day has been Rescheduled for December 9
Picture Make-up/Retake Day has been rescheduled for Wednesday, December 9 due to a delay in getting the original pictures (hopefully coming this week!). A make-up picture packet will be sent home in advance of the make-up day. If you didn't like the first picture, just return the package with your child and their picture will be retaken.
Even though it's important to remember those less fortunate throughout the year, the holidays are a great time to channel that charitable spirit! The Teach Student Council is sponsoring a drive to collect toiletries for the homeless. Any items relating to personal hygiene and cleanliness would be greatly appreciated. Collection boxes are located in the classrooms and also in the office and library. Drop in and drop off some travel-sized shampoos, soap, lotion, hand gel, fresh travel razors - whatever you can share! Larger sized bottles will go to shelters, but the smaller ones are portable and easy for travelling people to take with them. All donations are appreciated!
The Bishop's Peak Student Council is sponsoring a food drive for the Food Bank of SLO. The need for food in our county is at an all-time high, and Food Bank stores are desparately low. Collection boxes are in each classroom and in the office and library. Any non-perishable food items are gratefully accepted. Please give!
Make-Up Picture Day has been Rescheduled for December 9
Picture Make-up/Retake Day has been rescheduled for Wednesday, December 9 due to a delay in getting the original pictures (hopefully coming this week!). A make-up picture packet will be sent home in advance of the make-up day. If you didn't like the first picture, just return the package with your child and their picture will be retaken.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Newsletter - November 9 - BBQ, Candy & T-Shirts
Many students from Teach and Bishop's Peak contributed their extra Halloween candy to send to the troops in Afghanistan. Mr. Crabb's students got it all packed to ship. Veteran's day is November 11. Not only is it a no school day, but for goodness sake, it's Veteran's day. Take a minute to be thankful for the incredible sacrifice our servicemen and servicewomen have made over our history to make and keep our country the wonderful, free home that it is. Mr. Crabb's class has invited several veterans to speak in their class and explain a little bit about their personal military experience and answer the kids' questions. What a great idea - thank you Mr. Crabb!
Woohoo! Great job on the Barn Party and BBQ! What a beautiful setting for a nice, family get-together. We'll have information on the total benefit amount from this fundraiser and photos very soon. In the meantime, special thanks to all the special people who made this event possible! That includes all you parents and friends that attended, entered the contests and donated time or materials to make this such a resounding success.
Every family at Teach School benefits financially from this fundraiser. Each student pays several hundred dollars less for his or her study trip because of these efforts. Further, families deliberating attending Teach School see the unity between the families that the event fosters as well as the thoughtfulness of carrying out this type of event on behalf of others.
Got your TeachWear yet?
Here's the order form. They're cool, they're inexpensive, and they look fantastic! Orders are due by Monday, November 16. Show your school spirit!
- Wednesday, Nov 11: NO SCHOOL on Wednesday. Its' Veteran's day. That'll give you all day to find a veteran to thank. Don't forget lots of other places will be closed, too.
- Thursday, Nov 12: Electives begin.
- Friday, Nov 13: Fall Party! Yes, it's Friday the 13th. Don't panic. It'll be fun. :-)
- Friday, Nov 20: Principal's Coffee in the Library at 8:30 a.m.
- Wed-Fri Nov 25-27: Thanksgiving Holiday. Not only is there no school, but there'll probably be a great dinner. Visit family and friends and remember to be thankful. The kids will be thankful that there's no school. :-)
- Thursday, Ded 3: Picture make-up day
- Friday, Dec 4: Tiger Pride Assembly
Friday, November 6, 2009
Teach Boosters Meeting Minutes - November 6, 2009
Teach Booster Club
General Meeting Minutes 6 November 2009
I. Welcome and Approval of Minutes
a. Meeting was called to order at 8:35 a.m. Since the minutes were posted and most people had a chance to read them, it was moved (Ahmad Amir) and seconded (Sunshine Cowgill) to accept the minutes as posted.
b. Addendees: Mary Amir, Bonnie Achugbue, Doris Kim, Susmita Pal, Beth Meyer, Jennifer Flachman, Mika Abbott, Kathryn Rogers, Sunshine Cowgill, Cheryl Clark
II. Financial Report
a. Ahmad presented new balance sheets.
b. We changed to a new, shorter duration CD for better interest rate and more allowed withdrawals.
c. Our bank accounts need new signors, as Jayme Broudy, Sara Tregenza and Mary Amir were last year’s signors.
d. New statements going out will reflect new balances after Genevieve’s sale. If people have questions about statements, please direct them to Ahmad at 441-9080 or they can email him at ahmadamir@yahoo.com.
e. It was asked how parents will be notified of funds for next year’s budgets, and this will be discussed in the next meeting.
III. Principal’s Report
a. Mr. Block expressed his appreciation of the time the Boosters have taken getting ready for our events.
b. Parent conferences went well this week.
c. The SLO School District office had an interest in partnering to get vaccines for our children to keep them from getting so very sick. They were pleased that they could work with the group providing the vaccine, since so few doses have been available through the regular channels. The school was surprised to receive requests for >200 vaccines, and a tentative date for the vaccination will be determined very soon. There will be a parent welcome in the next newsletter so that parents know they can be present for their children at the time of vaccination if they wish. A special effort has been made for the timing and organization of the vaccination to take into consideration the different needs of children in a wide age range. It looks like the shot will be available to anyone who wants it. There is no guarantee on the number of vaccines available, but they expect to have enough for those who want it.
d. Electives start November 12. There will be 10 electives offered, with approximately 9 students in each class. Classes include: yearbook, science fair, sign language, sustainable design, dance, historical building & architecture, art, printing and debate. It was asked if guest speakers are allowed during elective classes, and the answer is “yes.”
e. Room reps were busy this morning collecting tickets & BBQ Barn Party items.
IV. Teacher’s Report (Guy Crabbe)
a. Mr. Crabbe has been in contact with the Special Olympics to do a community service project. The student council voted to do a Special Olympics event here at our school in the sprint and students will participate in the planning and execution of the project. There is no date yet set for the project.
b. Mr. Crabbe received a $400 grant from the Teach Foundation for a 4th grade field trip to Santa Barbara on the train. This was a regularly scheduled/budgeted trip, but the grant reduces the amount of funds needed from the trip fund for this event. The 4th grade will go to the Natural History Museum and the Mission and possibly the Presidio on February 17.
c. The 4th grade is collecting and finalizing their Candy for the Troops drive for Veteran’s Day. They will box up the candy and ship it to troops around the world next week. 2 servicemen have come to speak to Mr. Crabbe’s class in the past month, and two more veterans are scheduled to address the class. It was generally agreed by the Boosters present that this is a fantastic idea and should get more attention. Ms. Flachman asked if Mr. Crabbe has a camera in his class, and expressed a desire to see more photos of special classroom activities so that the parents and community can see what a great school we have.
d. The 4th grade will take a field trip next week to see The Hobbit on stage.
e. Astro Camp was “crazy great,” and the trip was much appreciated by the students and teachers. J There will be lots of photos to share.
V. Committee Reports
a. T-Shirts were sold last Thursday on campus and an order form will go out with next week’s email & newsletter to parents who still want to order. We will also be offering the shirts at the BBQ Sunday. The sales are going well, and a second order was received this week.
b. A date is needed for International Day. This item will be put on the December agenda.
c. The Spring Fundraiser is a great time to get the 2010-2011 Booster Board involved so that there will be a smooth transition from the graduating 6th grade parents to a new group. Many of the current board members are 6th grade parents and won’t be involved next year.
VI. New Business
a. Succession planning.
i. It was suggested that board members should write a job description to aid in recruitment for new board members and transition. It would be nice to get the new board in place by the end of the school year, so they will be ready at the beginning of the 2010-11 year. It will be especially important to apprentice a treasurer early, as it is a big job and may take some time to pass on all the relevant information and training. It was suggested that Helen would be an excellent candidate for next year’s treasurer.
ii. Outreach to 3rd grade parents should be provided, particularly around springtime when recruitment activities are ongoing. A survey might be a good way to assess the best times to hold Booster Club meetings, and perhaps we should consider changing meeting times to encourage higher attendance.
b. Public Relations
i. Press releases/newspaper submissions might be a good idea to publicize special class events, particularly ones that are of community interest, such as having Vets talk in class around Veterans Day.
ii. Are we doing active relations for recruitment and publicity? Major events are getting on community calendars, including radio and newspaper.
iii. Teach was nominated for the Distinguished School award. This award used to be determined by a rise in test scores, but now it’s based on the total score, so that Teach has a better chance of winning the award. The application process after nomination used to be very rigorous and a lot of work for teachers, but now it seems less complicated. If we are named a Distinguished School , we will find out in the Spring. It will be a nice thing to publicize if our school is chosen.
c. Recruitment
i. What is the student selection process? When did it switch from by testing to open enrollment? Its been a “number of years” since it was determined that anything other than open enrollment wouldn’t be appropriate for a public school.
ii. It was asked, what if we dramatically increase enrollment? We are free to add more classes if we increase enrollment enough to need them.
iii. Concern was expressed about the perception of elitism in our school and also of luring children away from their current schools. It was recommended that recruiting should be more about information than persuasion, and word-of-mouth is the best recruitment tool. Using the term “challenge” as a reason to send a child to Teach School was offered as an example of a successful way to describe why Teach might be a good school for some children.
iv. It was suggested that if there will be a big recruitment push, it should be before Open House. Current students and alumni have been a good resource for inviting other children to investigate Teach, and speaking opportunities for those people should be offered again at Open House.
v. Should we have a Recruitment Committee? Kathryn rogers volunteered to be involved (not head) with a recruitment committee.
vi. Do we have success statistics about alumni? Ms. Lamphier keeps track of alumni and their stories and might be a good resource for that kind of information.
d. Barbeque & Barn Party
i. Current head count is approximately 220 people!
ii. Last minute ticket sales & counts are still taking place for the BBQ and other events. RSVP’s have not been received from all families, and those who know the families that have not responded will call them and see if we can get a better head count before the food purchase.
iii. Jill Chan and family have donated the meat for the barbeque.
iv. Volunteers are busy working on setup and decorations for the event. Logistics and timeline were discussed. A cleanup party will ensue after the event.
v. The weather report looks good!
vi. An email reminder will go out today or tomorrow.
The meeting was adjourned around 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Pumpkin Decorating Contest and Other News October 26, 2009
Thursday, October 29 is Pumpkin Decorating Day and also Sports Day. Dress up in your favorite sports apparel and show your school spirit! The class with the highest percentage of dressed up kids gets a prize.
Bring your carved/decorated pumpkins to the multi-purpose room by 8:15 a.m. Entries will be judged in several categories: Best Movie or Comic Character, Funniest, Weirdest, Scariest, Most Creative, Most Artistic and Best Traditional. Don't forget to take your pumpkin home at the end of the day!
Next Week (Nov 2-6) is the Book Fair in our library. Take this opportunity to purchase books that kids love and holiday gifts and support your school. That week is also Parent Conference week. Have you returned your appointment confirmation? We will follow the short day bell schedule and school will let out at 1:00 p.m.
Teach Electives start November 12. We still need a few instructors - if you have a hobby or skill you'd like to share and are available to teach 5 afternoon classes, please see Dan Block!
Bring your carved/decorated pumpkins to the multi-purpose room by 8:15 a.m. Entries will be judged in several categories: Best Movie or Comic Character, Funniest, Weirdest, Scariest, Most Creative, Most Artistic and Best Traditional. Don't forget to take your pumpkin home at the end of the day!
Next Week (Nov 2-6) is the Book Fair in our library. Take this opportunity to purchase books that kids love and holiday gifts and support your school. That week is also Parent Conference week. Have you returned your appointment confirmation? We will follow the short day bell schedule and school will let out at 1:00 p.m.
Teach Electives start November 12. We still need a few instructors - if you have a hobby or skill you'd like to share and are available to teach 5 afternoon classes, please see Dan Block!
Catalina Photos!!
Special Thanks to Bob Teaford and the other parents who took these beautiful photos! Mrs. Pudlo's class had a wonderful time at Catalina. Sorry for the delay in getting these up. (You may have to register to view the photos on Flickr.)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Newsletter - October 12, 2009
Highlights from the newsletter:
Thanks so much to all the parents that are attending our Booster's Club meetings!! Our next meeting is November 6 at 8:30 a.m. in room 24.
Parent Conference Week is Coming Soon
Thanks so much to all the parents that are attending our Booster's Club meetings!! Our next meeting is November 6 at 8:30 a.m. in room 24.
Teach School BBQ & Barn Party
Sunday, November 8, 3-7 PM
Fun for the whole family!
Family-style BBQ Supper
Live Band, Dancing & Games for the Kids
Win a Vespa!
Watch a cow plop and win a thousand bucks!
Support Teach Study Trips!
(Rain date: Sunday, November 15)
This is an important fundraiser for our school - get involved and make it fun!!
Picture Day is October 28!! www.lifetouch.com (Yes, son, you have to wear a shirt with a collar....)
Parent Conference Week is Coming Soon
Parent Conference Week will take place November 2-6. During this week, school will dismiss at 1:00 PM for grades 1-6 (normal day for kindergarten.) We need your help to schedule conferences. A scheduling notice will be sent home with all students today (or you can print your own using the following links). Please let us know your available times for conferences and return the notice to your (oldest) child's teacher by Friday, Oct. 16. A confirmation of your appointment will be sent home with your child. Please note that there will be no school on Friday, October 30, to allow the teachers time to prepare for conference.
If you need childcare on the teacher workday, there is a camp offered by SLO Parks & Recreation. Please note that if your child attends Sun 'n Fun or STAR, they must sign up separately for the early dismissal time (1-2:30) in order to attend. Call the Parks & Recreation office for more info at 781-7300.
Teach Electives Coming
Teach Electives will be taking place on the following Thursdays: November 12 & 19, December 3, 10, & 17. The Electives will run from 1:00 to 2:15 in the afernoon. Electives are typically taught by teachers and parents of Teach School, and generally have 8-10 students in each class. These five sessions are a great opportunity for parents to share a hobby or activity with the students. Last year some of the classes taught by parents included cooking, interior design, yoga, art, pet care, drama/productions, and strings. Parents are needed to teach this year's classes. If you have a hobby or skill you'd like to share with students and you are available on the dates above, please contact Dan Block!
Many Thanks!
Bishop's Peak/Teach parents are so wonderful. A special thank you to Jodi and Brian Evans, Sharon O'Gara Gaines, Julie Bray-Kalenian, and Candice Wong who brought in delicious treats and flowers to brighten our morning Monday. You're the best!
Swap & Shop Coming October 16
Watch for the Swap & Shop collection boxes in the courtyard this week and bring in your items (clothing, toys, books, etc.)! Then have fun and shop after school Friday!
Flu Shots Available at Public Health and CHC
At Public Health: Flu Mist is available on a limited basis for kids with no illnesses/asthma/allergies. Call 781-5500 for appt.
At CHC, San Luis Obispo: Flu Shots are available on a walk-in basis every Saturday through October between 1:00-5:00 PM. Kids $15, adults $20. General info: 269-1500. If your primary care doctor is at CHC, it would be best to make an appointment for the flu shot as it is free with Cencal/Medi-Cal insurances.
Camp Fire USA
1st grade and 4th grade girls clubs now forming from Bishop Peak/Teach School. Meetings are held once a week for an hour to work on projects, earn awards, play games, learn new songs, crafts, explore outdoor activities, take field trips and give service to the community all while making new friends.
Camp Fire Flyer
Contact Leader:
Jacque Evers at (H) 783-2344 or (C) 294-2185
Or Camp Fire USA Office @ 773-5126, campfirech@sbcglobal.net
Girl Scouts
Camp Fire Flyer
Contact Leader:
Jacque Evers at (H) 783-2344 or (C) 294-2185
Or Camp Fire USA Office @ 773-5126, campfirech@sbcglobal.net
Girl Scouts
Learn more about the Girl Scout program and make new friends! Open to girls grades K-6.
Princess for a Day October 27
Contact Membership Manager :
Pat Soulliere-Ochylski at 805-720-3986 or 800-822-2427 xt 204
Or psoulliereo@girlscoutsccc.org
Contact Membership Manager :
Pat Soulliere-Ochylski at 805-720-3986 or 800-822-2427 xt 204
Or psoulliereo@girlscoutsccc.org
Mad Science
Tuesdays starting Oct. 20, 2:30-3:30. Enthusiastic, hands-on science labs!
Mad Science After-School Registration
Cal Poly Organic Farm Pick-Up
It's not too late to sign up for Cal Poly Organic Farm's newest pick-up location for its Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program. Our pick-up time in the parking lot is Tuesdays between 2:15 p.m.-4:00 p.m. For more information on how to sign up, please visit: www.calpolyorgfarm.com or email orgfarm@calpoly.edu
Parenting Classes and Resources
"Strengthening Families" is a fabulous program facilitated by Drug and Alcohol Services but is open to any family in need of parenting skills classes/group sesions. We have had a couple of families participate in it and have found it to be extrememly helpful. Transporation, dinner, and childcare is provided. The following links contain more information.
Also, following is the current flyer for the Parent Project Support Group class offered through Adult School. For this class, the parents have to have completed a Parent Project class previously. The Adult School will be offering the regular Parent Project class in Winter trimester. Don't forget to check out http://www.sloparents.org/ for other parenting classes and resources currently available.
SLO: http://sloparents.org/?cat=4
Coast: http://sloparents.org/?cat=13
SLO: http://sloparents.org/?cat=4
Coast: http://sloparents.org/?cat=13
Cal Poly Organic Farm Pick-Up
It's not too late to sign up for Cal Poly Organic Farm's newest pick-up location for its Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program. Our pick-up time in the parking lot is Tuesdays between 2:15 p.m.-4:00 p.m. For more information on how to sign up, please visit: www.calpolyorgfarm.com or email orgfarm@calpoly.edu
Friday, October 9, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Who wants pizza?
Village Host Pizza
2138 Broad St
2138 Broad St
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 543-4200
(805) 543-4200
Friday, October 2, 2009
Teach Boosters Meeting - October 2, 2009
Meeting Attendees: Christina Gigante, Cheryl Clark, Taffy Gonzalez, Sunshine Cowgill, Helen Sipsas, Derek Gragson, Bonnie Achugbue, Anne Slocum, Kathryn Rogers, Susmita GuptaPal, Tammy Haas, Mary Amir, Jen Flachman, and Jocelyn Leonard
I. Welcome and approval of September Minutes. Minutes were approved by Anne Slocum, and seconded by Bonnie Achugbue.
II. Principal's Report: The 6th graders had a great time in Catalina. Mr. Block wanted to thank all of the chaperones for all of the time that they gave. Thanks to Boosters for making this trip happen. The trip will give our kids great, lasting memories.
Flag salute was held this morning. The 6th grade class assisted with that.
Next Friday, Oct. 9 is the Bishop's Peak carnival. All are invited. There is a $10 fee for a wrist band that lets you play all of the games that you would like. There is also a BBQ, and and auction.
The new 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Kelly will come in to talk with the Boosters later this morning.
This year, both schools will feature a Science Fair, in February. Everyone is to participate.
III. New Business: There was a lot of discussion regarding the Fundraiser Dinner. Last year's expenses were $7-8,000. The profit was $15,500. Last year 120 tickets were sold. It was held at the Country Club and was a Dinner/Dance/Auction. This year, we are looking at a different venue, at lowering prices, and at making it more family-friendly. We would also like to get more alumni to attend.
Kathryn Rogers has volunteered her ranch and barn for the event. Jen moved that we have a BBQ at the Rogers ranch. Mary seconded it. All were in favor. None opposed. The date was set for Nov. 8th. Mary moved in favor. Cheryl seconded it. All were in favor. None opposed. Nov. 15 will be used as the back-up date in case of rain. A chairperson is still needed for the event.
Next, there was a discussion about whether or not to have an auction. It was decided that due to the time constraint, there was not time for an auction. So, there was a motion by Mary to have one large item, such as a car, to raffle off. Bonnie seconded the motion. There was talk about getting a car, such as a Honda Hybrid, to be raffled off. Also, Kathryn suggested an idea that is used at a school in Morro Bay as a fundraiser--Cow Plop Bingo. A field is spray painted with squares, and then fenced off. A cow is put in the middle. Bingo tickets are sold, and then wherever the cow plops, the person holding that ticket wins. Mary moved that we also use this idea. Bonnie seconded. All were in favor.
If this fundraiser doesn't pan out, we would still have an opportunity to do another fundraiser in the spring. A committee will be formed and ticket prices will be discussed in that committee.
--Mrs. Kelly then came in to meet the Booster Club and to discuss Teacher business with us. Mrs. Kelly is enjoying her time teaching the 5th grade. The teachers had a staff meeting, where they discussed the Science Fair, Battle of the Books, Electives, and T-shirt designs. Electives will begin Thursday, November 12, and run 6 weeks. The electives will be on Thursdays from 1:30-2:15. There was a question regarding how parents can volunteer to help. Parents should contact a teacher or Mr. Block about volunteering for Electives. Derek Gragson volunteered to teach a Science Fair 101 course with his wife, Grace.
T-shirt designs were passed around. If we go with a new design, it will be less expensive than changing the design. Cheryl Clark has been checking out the T-shirt costs, Sunshine Cowgill volunteered to take over for Cheryl, as her husband works in graphic arts. There was a vote about the designs and it seems a new design is wanted. Kathryn made a motion to agree to a $100 max. set-up fee for a new design. Anne seconded the motion. All agreed. None opposed. There is now a girls t-shirt too. The color of the t-shirts will be black, with white lettering (Black and White are Teach's colors). There will be a picture of a Tiger on the shirt. There will also be sweatshirts with hoods. All were in favor. More news of the t-shirts to be coming soon.
Due to the BBQ set for November, the Chili Cook-off will be put off until later, possibly January or February.
Sunshine talked about the Teach blog that is conncected to the website. All meeting minutes will be posted there.
IV. Financial Report: Anne gave the financial report for Ahmad Amir, who was not able to attend the meeting. Statements will be going out in the mail soon, so that you will know where you are in your payments. Genevieve is being tallied as we speak. The teachers have asked for $400 per class to pay for supplies. Anne moved to agree to that. Christina 2nd this. All were in favor. None opposed. Also, the Librarian, Mrs. Williamson has asked for some money this year. Anne is going to check with her as to how much she needs, and get back to us.
At 10:00 a.m. I had to leave the meeting. It was adjourned soon after.
I. Welcome and approval of September Minutes. Minutes were approved by Anne Slocum, and seconded by Bonnie Achugbue.
II. Principal's Report: The 6th graders had a great time in Catalina. Mr. Block wanted to thank all of the chaperones for all of the time that they gave. Thanks to Boosters for making this trip happen. The trip will give our kids great, lasting memories.
Flag salute was held this morning. The 6th grade class assisted with that.
Next Friday, Oct. 9 is the Bishop's Peak carnival. All are invited. There is a $10 fee for a wrist band that lets you play all of the games that you would like. There is also a BBQ, and and auction.
The new 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Kelly will come in to talk with the Boosters later this morning.
This year, both schools will feature a Science Fair, in February. Everyone is to participate.
III. New Business: There was a lot of discussion regarding the Fundraiser Dinner. Last year's expenses were $7-8,000. The profit was $15,500. Last year 120 tickets were sold. It was held at the Country Club and was a Dinner/Dance/Auction. This year, we are looking at a different venue, at lowering prices, and at making it more family-friendly. We would also like to get more alumni to attend.
Kathryn Rogers has volunteered her ranch and barn for the event. Jen moved that we have a BBQ at the Rogers ranch. Mary seconded it. All were in favor. None opposed. The date was set for Nov. 8th. Mary moved in favor. Cheryl seconded it. All were in favor. None opposed. Nov. 15 will be used as the back-up date in case of rain. A chairperson is still needed for the event.
Next, there was a discussion about whether or not to have an auction. It was decided that due to the time constraint, there was not time for an auction. So, there was a motion by Mary to have one large item, such as a car, to raffle off. Bonnie seconded the motion. There was talk about getting a car, such as a Honda Hybrid, to be raffled off. Also, Kathryn suggested an idea that is used at a school in Morro Bay as a fundraiser--Cow Plop Bingo. A field is spray painted with squares, and then fenced off. A cow is put in the middle. Bingo tickets are sold, and then wherever the cow plops, the person holding that ticket wins. Mary moved that we also use this idea. Bonnie seconded. All were in favor.
If this fundraiser doesn't pan out, we would still have an opportunity to do another fundraiser in the spring. A committee will be formed and ticket prices will be discussed in that committee.
--Mrs. Kelly then came in to meet the Booster Club and to discuss Teacher business with us. Mrs. Kelly is enjoying her time teaching the 5th grade. The teachers had a staff meeting, where they discussed the Science Fair, Battle of the Books, Electives, and T-shirt designs. Electives will begin Thursday, November 12, and run 6 weeks. The electives will be on Thursdays from 1:30-2:15. There was a question regarding how parents can volunteer to help. Parents should contact a teacher or Mr. Block about volunteering for Electives. Derek Gragson volunteered to teach a Science Fair 101 course with his wife, Grace.
T-shirt designs were passed around. If we go with a new design, it will be less expensive than changing the design. Cheryl Clark has been checking out the T-shirt costs, Sunshine Cowgill volunteered to take over for Cheryl, as her husband works in graphic arts. There was a vote about the designs and it seems a new design is wanted. Kathryn made a motion to agree to a $100 max. set-up fee for a new design. Anne seconded the motion. All agreed. None opposed. There is now a girls t-shirt too. The color of the t-shirts will be black, with white lettering (Black and White are Teach's colors). There will be a picture of a Tiger on the shirt. There will also be sweatshirts with hoods. All were in favor. More news of the t-shirts to be coming soon.
Due to the BBQ set for November, the Chili Cook-off will be put off until later, possibly January or February.
Sunshine talked about the Teach blog that is conncected to the website. All meeting minutes will be posted there.
IV. Financial Report: Anne gave the financial report for Ahmad Amir, who was not able to attend the meeting. Statements will be going out in the mail soon, so that you will know where you are in your payments. Genevieve is being tallied as we speak. The teachers have asked for $400 per class to pay for supplies. Anne moved to agree to that. Christina 2nd this. All were in favor. None opposed. Also, the Librarian, Mrs. Williamson has asked for some money this year. Anne is going to check with her as to how much she needs, and get back to us.
At 10:00 a.m. I had to leave the meeting. It was adjourned soon after.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Status Quo - October 2009
Important Dates for Mrs. Pudlo's Class:
**Please note - there will be no Fall Harvest Party around Halloween. We will have this the Friday before Thanksgiving. This is an entire school decision.
- October 8: Impromptu Speeches Begin
- October 12: Catalina Research Project Due
- October 19: Progress Reports go home for those needing them
- October 22: Catalina Memories rough draft due for peer editing
- October 26: Trimester book report due; grade book closes for the first trimester for written work
- October 29: Catalina Memories parent edit due; Accelerated Reader and Battle of the Books close for the first trimester
- October 30: NO SCHOOL (woohoo!), Teacher's workday
- November 2-6: Conference week, minimum day schedule
- November 5: Final Catalina Memory Project due (bring all parts)
**Please note - there will be no Fall Harvest Party around Halloween. We will have this the Friday before Thanksgiving. This is an entire school decision.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Newsletter - September 29, 2009
Just in case you've deleted your newsletter, here is a brief synopsis always at the ready.
International Walk to School Day: Wednesday, October 7.
Really, every day should/could be walk to school day, but this day is set aside to encourage more adults and children to walk to school together to raise awareness about:
* The importance of teaching children safe walking behaviors, such as how to cross streets, and how to select safe routes to school.
* How easy and enjoyable walking is! Adults and children spend healthy, active time together doing the world's simplest exercise - walking.
* Taking specific steps to create more walkable communities such as advocating for more crosswalks, sidewalks, crossing guards and better driver behavior.
If you live close enough to school to walk or even ride your bike to school, and you haven't been, give it a try! It's a nice, peaceful way to start the day and a great opportunity for conversation with your child and greetings between neighbors.
Student Council Election Results are IN!
New After-School Programs!
Family Pizza Night at Village Host Pizza Tuesday, October 6
Bishop's Peak Carnival is October 9, from 5:30-8:30 p.m.!
All are invited to join the party at the Bishop's Peak Carnival on Friday, October 9. There will be lots of fun games, a Carnival Fun House, food, a silent and live auction, a dunk tank and lots more. Wristbands for unlimited games are $10. Many of our students are Bishop's Peak alumni and can tell you how much everyone looks forward to the carnival each year. Carnival is a fun tradition and the perfect way to celebrate the season. Hope to see you there!
Swap & Shop October 16
Teach School is Collecting Used Ink Cartridges
Got some empty laser or inkjet cartridges hanging around in your drawer? Don't have a handy postage paid HP envelope? Been waiting to get around to taking that inky think over to Staples, but you can't seem to remember to grab it on the way out? Bring 'em in! Teach School can use them. Much to our delight, we have helped our school by turning in used ink cartridges. We receive $3.00 per cartridge and have been able to bring in $60.00 per month which is used by Mrs. Crabb and our teachers for much needed school supplies. Please help us out by bringing in your used cartridges to the office. All brand cartridges are eligible for a refund. Stick those empties in your car and drop them off with your kids in the morning.
PICTURE DAY is Wednesday, October 28.
Don't forget, there is NO SCHOOL Friday, October 30. (It's a teacher workday.) Also, the week of November 2-6 is parent conference week: MINIMUM DAYS all week with a 1:00 p.m. dismissal time.
International Walk to School Day: Wednesday, October 7.
Really, every day should/could be walk to school day, but this day is set aside to encourage more adults and children to walk to school together to raise awareness about:
* The importance of teaching children safe walking behaviors, such as how to cross streets, and how to select safe routes to school.
* How easy and enjoyable walking is! Adults and children spend healthy, active time together doing the world's simplest exercise - walking.
* Taking specific steps to create more walkable communities such as advocating for more crosswalks, sidewalks, crossing guards and better driver behavior.
If you live close enough to school to walk or even ride your bike to school, and you haven't been, give it a try! It's a nice, peaceful way to start the day and a great opportunity for conversation with your child and greetings between neighbors.
Student Council Election Results are IN!
On Sept. 18, after stirring speeches, our study body elected their Student Council Representatives for the 2009-2010 school year. Congratulations to the following Student Council Members:
President: Sam Eisendrath
Vice President: Emma Hotaling
Secretary: Sam Pal
Treasurer: Zachary Wise
Publicity Chair: Johanna Rohrbough
Spirit Chair: Emily Flachman
4th Grade Class Reps: Kathryn Evers and Katelyn Mayberry
5th Grade Class Reps: Kendall Schemmer and Samuel Wendt
6th Grade Class Reps: Neha Sikand and Max Teaford
New After-School Programs!
By popular request, we have been researching and recruiting new after-school opportunities for Bishop's Peak/Teach students. Here are a few of the upcoming classes to be offered on site:
Mad Science: Tuesdays starting Oct. 20, 2:30-3:30
Enthusiastic, hands-on science labs!
Pottery Classes: Offered by Shevon Sullivan of Anam-Cre Studios, will be on Wednesdays from 2:30-4:00 PM on Oct. 21, 28, Nov. 4 and 18. To learn more about Anam-Cre, visit their website at www.anamcre.com.
Spanish: More information to come--will be offered after school on Thursdays by a district teacher.Family Pizza Night at Village Host Pizza Tuesday, October 6
You and your family are invited to join other Teach families at our monthly Family Pizza Night at Village Host Pizza, located at 2138 Broad Street (at the corner of Broad, South and Santa Barbara Streets). Families come and go between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., and Village Host generously donates a part of all sales back to the school. Isn't that nice? Plus, it's a great opportunity for our kids to socialize with other Teach students outside of school, and a chance for parents to meet each other. Add to that no dishes to wash? It's a no-brainer. Hope to see you there!
Bishop's Peak Carnival is October 9, from 5:30-8:30 p.m.!
All are invited to join the party at the Bishop's Peak Carnival on Friday, October 9. There will be lots of fun games, a Carnival Fun House, food, a silent and live auction, a dunk tank and lots more. Wristbands for unlimited games are $10. Many of our students are Bishop's Peak alumni and can tell you how much everyone looks forward to the carnival each year. Carnival is a fun tradition and the perfect way to celebrate the season. Hope to see you there!
Swap & Shop October 16
Like free stuff? Have some perfectly good things hanging around your house that you're not using? Bishop's Peak and Teach families love Swap & Shop. For those of you new to our traditions, Swap & Shop is like a swap meet, only everything is FREE! Our families clear out gently used clothes, toys and games their family has outgrown or no longer use and bring them to school the week before the swap. Then on the day of the swap, the items are laid out neatly on tables in the courtyard and the fun ensues as everyone finds new treasures to take home for FREE. Items not taken are donated to a local thrift shop. Watch for the Swap & Shop collection boxes in the courtyard starting October 12, and bring in your items!
Teach School is Collecting Used Ink Cartridges
Got some empty laser or inkjet cartridges hanging around in your drawer? Don't have a handy postage paid HP envelope? Been waiting to get around to taking that inky think over to Staples, but you can't seem to remember to grab it on the way out? Bring 'em in! Teach School can use them. Much to our delight, we have helped our school by turning in used ink cartridges. We receive $3.00 per cartridge and have been able to bring in $60.00 per month which is used by Mrs. Crabb and our teachers for much needed school supplies. Please help us out by bringing in your used cartridges to the office. All brand cartridges are eligible for a refund. Stick those empties in your car and drop them off with your kids in the morning.
PICTURE DAY is Wednesday, October 28.
Don't forget, there is NO SCHOOL Friday, October 30. (It's a teacher workday.) Also, the week of November 2-6 is parent conference week: MINIMUM DAYS all week with a 1:00 p.m. dismissal time.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
4th Grade Study Trip

If you'd like to check out the program and/or the campus, follow the links below for the company and the Campus of the Desert Sun Science Center.
- Arrive at 6:00 a.m. at Teach Elem. on Oct 21 and bring a sack breakfast and lunch.
- Label your luggage. Make sure your child can actually carry everything!
- Bring five bucks for dinner.
- Expected arrival is at 8:00 p.m. There will be a phone tree letting parents know when they will be here.
The kids are SOOOPER excited. It's going to be a great trip!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Booster Club News
Thanks to all of our Teach families for their amazing response to our call for volunteers. Watch for meeting dates to help plan our annual Teach Dinner, Dance and Auction! Stay tuned here for news and ways to get involved with your child's education and extracurricular activities.
Feel free to subscribe to this blog either using RSS or via email. The links are to the right.

September 20-25: 6th Grade study trip to Catalina!
Feel free to subscribe to this blog either using RSS or via email. The links are to the right.
Also on the right are a few links to school fundraisers that you can participate in. Perhaps you are already shopping online for giftwrap or gifts...why not check out Genevieve's? If you buy products that have the Box Tops for Education icon, you can bring your child's box tops to school. You can even shop online! Please check the expiration date on your box tops and make sure that all the numbers and text information from the box top is visible when you cut it out.
Important Dates
Friday, September 18: 6th Grade study trip pledges are due; Student Council elections will be held.

September 20-25: 6th Grade study trip to Catalina!
Thursday, September 24: Site Council Meeting
Friday, September 25: 4th Grade Study Trip Pledge Forms Due
Tuesday, October 6: Teach Pizza Night at Village Host Pizza - don't forget to tell them you're with Teach! Mmmm, yummy!! Added bonus? You don't have to cook!
Friday, September 25: 4th Grade Study Trip Pledge Forms Due
Tuesday, September 29: Hearing Screening for 5th grade
Friday, October 2: Booster Club Meeting! 8:35 a.m. in room 25 (?). Be there or be square.

Friday, October 9: Bishop's Peak Carnival. Celebrate Harvest & Halloween!
Want to make some new friends and help your child's school? Come to the Booster Club Meeting and volunteer for something. Or sit quietly in the back. We don't mind. Just show up! Booster Club Meetings are always open to all.
California Coastal Cleanup Day (CCD) is the country's largest volunteer event in support of the marine environment. The mission of CCD is to engage people to remove trash and debris from the world's beaches and waterways; to identify the sources of debris; and ultimately change the behaviors that cause pollution. CCD is a partnership between the community, local non-profit groups, and municipalities that coordinate cleanups at the city and county levels. CCD is a major part of an International Coastal Cleanup which includes all 50 states and over 100 countries worldwide. To find a site near you go to: http://www.coastal.ca.gov/publiced/ccd/ccd.html
In SLO County last year, over 1,300 volunteers removed nearly 5,000 pounds of marine debris from 26 beaches! But don't count on someone else to do it. We need YOU to help clean up your local beaches! The SLO County Coastal Clean-Up Day contact is ECOSLO. For more information go to http://www.ecoslo.org or e-mail ccd @ ecoslo.org or call 544-1777 and ask for Holly Sletteland.
2. SLO County Creek Clean Up Day - Saturday, October 3, 2009 - 9am to 12noon
Join family, friends and neighbors on October 3 and make a difference in your community cleaning local creeks! Trash finds its way into our local waterways and collects, causing trickling effects. Winter rainstorms wash that debris into the ocean and onto our beaches. At any stage, trash pollutes our waterways, threatening wildlife, harming the environment and impacting our local economy.
Clean creeks and clean water are required to protect public health, to grow food and fiber, to provide habitat for fish and wildlife, to
provide opportunities for public recreation, and to promote sustainable economic development. Help keep San Luis Obispo County beautiful and trash free on Creek Cleanup Day from 9 am to noon on Saturday, October 3 at a site near you throughout the county.
Volunteers meet at check-in stations located in Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo, Atascadero, Templeton and Paso Robles. Bags and gloves are provided. Many locations also offer prizes and snacks. Volunteers are encouraged to wear long sleeves, sturdy foot protection and sunscreen and to dress for a variety of weather conditions. Past Creek Day events have removed more than ten full-sized dumpsters of trash, in addition to hundreds of pounds of recyclables from county creeks, thanks to the work of hundreds of volunteers. Creek Day is a perfect opportunity for Scouting groups, business organizations, community service groups, families and anyone else who wants to make a
difference in their own backyard. Visit www.CreekDay.org
to find the site in your community.
Creek Day is a collaborative effort by many SLO county cities, agencies and organizations including: Atascadero Mutual Water Company, Cal Poly SLO, Central Coast Salmon Enhancement, Citizens of Santa Margarita, County of San Luis Obispo Tobacco Control Program, ECOSLO, Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay National Estuary Program, Nipomo Conservation District, San Luis Obispo County Partners in Water Quality, and Templeton Conservation District.
Want to make some new friends and help your child's school? Come to the Booster Club Meeting and volunteer for something. Or sit quietly in the back. We don't mind. Just show up! Booster Club Meetings are always open to all.
Clean Up Days Coming!
1. Coastal Clean Up Day - Saturday, September 19, 2009 - 9am to 12noonCalifornia Coastal Cleanup Day (CCD) is the country's largest volunteer event in support of the marine environment. The mission of CCD is to engage people to remove trash and debris from the world's beaches and waterways; to identify the sources of debris; and ultimately change the behaviors that cause pollution. CCD is a partnership between the community, local non-profit groups, and municipalities that coordinate cleanups at the city and county levels. CCD is a major part of an International Coastal Cleanup which includes all 50 states and over 100 countries worldwide. To find a site near you go to: http://www.coastal.ca.gov/publiced/ccd/ccd.html
In SLO County last year, over 1,300 volunteers removed nearly 5,000 pounds of marine debris from 26 beaches! But don't count on someone else to do it. We need YOU to help clean up your local beaches! The SLO County Coastal Clean-Up Day contact is ECOSLO. For more information go to http://www.ecoslo.org or e-mail ccd @ ecoslo.org or call 544-1777 and ask for Holly Sletteland.
2. SLO County Creek Clean Up Day - Saturday, October 3, 2009 - 9am to 12noon
Join family, friends and neighbors on October 3 and make a difference in your community cleaning local creeks! Trash finds its way into our local waterways and collects, causing trickling effects. Winter rainstorms wash that debris into the ocean and onto our beaches. At any stage, trash pollutes our waterways, threatening wildlife, harming the environment and impacting our local economy.
Clean creeks and clean water are required to protect public health, to grow food and fiber, to provide habitat for fish and wildlife, to
provide opportunities for public recreation, and to promote sustainable economic development. Help keep San Luis Obispo County beautiful and trash free on Creek Cleanup Day from 9 am to noon on Saturday, October 3 at a site near you throughout the county.
Volunteers meet at check-in stations located in Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo, Atascadero, Templeton and Paso Robles. Bags and gloves are provided. Many locations also offer prizes and snacks. Volunteers are encouraged to wear long sleeves, sturdy foot protection and sunscreen and to dress for a variety of weather conditions. Past Creek Day events have removed more than ten full-sized dumpsters of trash, in addition to hundreds of pounds of recyclables from county creeks, thanks to the work of hundreds of volunteers. Creek Day is a perfect opportunity for Scouting groups, business organizations, community service groups, families and anyone else who wants to make a
difference in their own backyard. Visit www.CreekDay.org
to find the site in your community.
Creek Day is a collaborative effort by many SLO county cities, agencies and organizations including: Atascadero Mutual Water Company, Cal Poly SLO, Central Coast Salmon Enhancement, Citizens of Santa Margarita, County of San Luis Obispo Tobacco Control Program, ECOSLO, Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay National Estuary Program, Nipomo Conservation District, San Luis Obispo County Partners in Water Quality, and Templeton Conservation District.
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