Members present: Helen Sipsas, Susmita Pal, Cheryl Clark, Sunshine Cowgill, Laura Finz, Taffy Gonzalez, Bonnie Achugbue, Paige Wright, Jen Flachman, Dan Block, Kathryn Rogers, and Jocelyn Leonard
Meeting was called to order at 8:38 a.m.
First up was Paige Wright, who is handling the Scrip fundraiser for our school. Paige talked a little about scrip, and how it can make money, effortlessly, for our school. You can buy the gift cards though her, and the businesses that provide the cards give our school a percentage. There are many different businesses that participate: stores, restaurants, supermarkets, gas stations, etc. The website is: The company is Great Lakes Scrip. It is a non-profit organization. You can order right from the website; the cards go to Paige and then she will make sure to get them to you. The only thing you need to remember is to put our school's code in so that we can get the credit. Paige is going to find out our code and let us know, so that people can go online and check it out.
The meeting minutes from the last four meetings were read and approved. They were approved by Laura Finz, with Sue Pal seconding the approval. All were in favor.
Financial Report--to be discussed at the next meeting, as Ahmad Amir, Treasurer, was unable to attend this meeing.
Principal's Report--There was a break-in at the school before Winter break. The master keys were stolen from Terri's office. Using the keys, several rooms were broken into. Equipment was stolen. The school has an insurance policy to cover most of the items. However, some of the items stolen were the personal property of some of the teachers, and therefore are not covered under the insurance policy. Now 75 locks on campus have had to be re-keyed. Mr. Block talked about possibly installing a motion detector in the Dig Me room, as that is where many valuable items are stored. There was some discussion about possible ways to raise some money to help replace what the teachers lost, which is not covered by insurance. Mr. Crabb lost a camera that is not covered. More on a possible fundraiser to follow in future meetings.
Mrs. Pudlo, 6th grade teacher, will be retiring at the end of January. A replacement teacher has been hired to take over for her. The teacher's name is Diana Jones. She is a San Luis native and was laid off from her position in San Diego with all of the recent budget cuts. Her most recent position was teaching 5th grade. She had been the GATE coordinator at her previous school. The 6th grade class will meet her on Monday 1/11/10, and she will be in the classroom a few days with Mrs. Pudlo, before she takes over at the end of the month. Mr. Block let us know that the posting was open for 5 days, and they received 120 applications. This was one of only 3 teaching jobs in the state. The Catalina trip will continue each fall. Mrs. Pudlo is very eager to help make this a smooth transition. Many people are very sad to see Mrs. Pudlo retire. She is a wonderful teacher, and the kids have learned so much from her. We wish her the best of luck in her retirement!
We need to change the date of the Open House, due to the fact that the Open Enrollment period is going to be earlier this year than was originally thought. The new date will either be the 9th or 10th of March.
Thanks to the parent volunteers for coming after school to help the kids with their science fair projects. There will be a few more dates coming up for kids to get help with their projects. Check with the office, or in the newsletter.
Other Business--The yearbook committee meets on late start Mondays, before school. Beth Meyer is leading this. She is an excellent resource as she has taught yearbook before. Thank you Beth!
Helen Sipsas suggested that we have foreign language instruction for the kids, perhaps after school. Sue Pal suggested that maybe high school Spanish students could help with that, for their Community Project hours. Kathryn suggested a lunch club. Helen will conduct a poll to see how many parents would be interested in having this for their child.
Student Council - Laura Finz wanted to let us know that she received a letter from Beth David thanking the students for collecting the toiletries for the Homeless shelter before break. There was also a Letter to the Editor of the Tribune written thanking everyone involved. The letter will be read to all the students at a later date.
Candy grams will be for sale Feb. 8, 9, and 10. They cost 50 cents each. They can only be sent to 4th, 5th, and 6th graders, and teachers of all grades. The notes can not be anonymous, must be signed and must be appropriate. Laura needs some parent volunteers to help with this event. The candy grams are sold at lunch time on the above dates. Please contact her if you can help out.
The 6th grade play is coming up soon. Kathryn Rogers will be working on this. Starting in February, on late start Mondays and some after school dates, the kids will start rehearsing. More information will be available as Kathryn is able to speak with the director.
New Business - We are wanting to plan for next year's Board of Directors. We will need all of the positions filled as most of the postitions are currently held by 6th grade parents. If we can get the Board together early, the new Board could shadow the current one, so that next year, they could hit the ground running. If you are interested in taking on one of the positions, please contact Jen Flachman. Sunshine suggested letting people know what the time committment/job descriptions are for the various jobs, so that people would be more comfortable giving it a try. Jen agreed, and will work on that.
Future dates to save:
Science Fair: Feb. 24
Open House: March 9 or 10
March-a-thon: March 26?
6th grade Play: ???
Star Testing: May 3-14
International Day: May 21
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.m.
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