Monday, January 11, 2010

Toiletries Drive

Many thanks to all of you who sent in toiletries to support the homeless and the Student Council.  The Student Council received the following letter of gratitude that they wanted to share with you:

Dear Students and Staff:
     It's hard to imagine exactly how this could happen, but this year's Homeless Christmas Dinner was even better than last year's!  The weather was certainly better, but more than that, the coming together of people, and businesses created a synergy that resulted in a multitude of blessings.  We fed over 300 people this year in just a few short hours!
     This would not have been possible without your help.  Many thanks for providing such a generous donation.  The toiletries you collected were snapped up immediately, and gratefully.  People left with their arms so crammed full of stuff, not to mention full bellies, and a smile on their faces that would have made you smile as well.
     I'm so proud to be a member of this community, where a need is identified and good folks are there to meet it.  Thanks, and may you have a happy and healthy new year!
     Naomi Blakely, Co-Chair
     Homeless Christmas Dinner Feed

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